Am 2011-12-03 um 14:34 schrieb Mariano Martinez Peck:

>> On Sat, Dec 3, 2011 at 12:23 AM, Stéphane Ducasse 
>> <> wrote:
>> Thanks tobias
>> This is cool to have that!
>> With your experiment are loading MC definitions using fuel?
> yes, loading and writing. Basically, for writing, for example, it is to 
> change #writeSnapshot: or #serializeInBinary:  to use Fuel instead of 
> DataStream. 
> For loading, #loadDefinitions

No. that is the point.
you add a loderFuel to the class side of MCMc{d,z}Reader that 
returns an association of priority -> oneargblock.

My proposal is about experimenting with the MC stuff _without_ changing
the present logic, but augmenting them.

See the FuelMonticello-topa.1.mcz for an example.
(note that this mcz already contains a snapshot.fuel ;) )


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