2012/1/29 Guido Stepken <gstep...@googlemail.com>:
> Marcus Denker IMHO is the only one, who is able to do a diff - diff - diff
> (with his Moose tools) on VA, Pharo, Seaside Code to filter out a
> adaption/portability layer between these Smalltalk and make future ports of
> packets an ease!?
> SPORT was a great start, why was it discontinued???


> Marcus? Hmm?
> Am 29.01.2012 21:24 schrieb "Esteban Lorenzano" <esteba...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi,
>> I loaded last version of seaside into a pharo 1.4 image.
>> Everything looks working fine, but there a couple of fixes:
>> 1)
>> KomLogger>>#attachTranscript
>>        self detachTheTranscript.
>>        ^(self streams detect: [:ea | ea isTranscriptStream] ifNone: [nil])
>>                ifNil: [self addStream: TranscriptStream new]
>> "TranscriptStream" is not anymore on pharo and should be replaced with
>> ThreadSafeTranscript
>> 2) String>>#withBlanksTrimmed is deprecated, and now it should use
>> #trimBoth
>> how can I proceed to apply this fixes into seaside (without breaking other
>> platforms)?
>> cheers,
>> Esteban

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