Lukas Renggli wrote:
what is the diff between arrayList and vectorList ?
ArrayList is double ended (very much like OrderedCollection),
VectorList is single ended. I was just experimenting to see if it
makes a difference.
ok. I like to see such kind of experiment.
Was the name based on something that people use?

No, it is a randomly chosen and meaningless name. I guess in the end
there will only be one named ArrayList, but I am not sure which
implementation is better.

I wasn't sure what double-ended versus single-ended meant, and found some answer at the obvious place [1] which mentions Ada.Containers.Vectors is a dynamic array implementation which seems consistent with C++ [2]. While looking around I happened to bump into [3] which was too much for me but may be of interest to anyone playing with data structres. Skimming this shows it discussing efficiency of data structures in functional languages together with lazy variants of imperative language data structures. Would such apply to Smalltalk or is the object-oriented style of Smalltalk considered imperative rather than functional?


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