Dave, when I create new morph classes, I usually subclass PasteUpMorph. If I need it in a window, I call #openInWindow on a new instance, though I find that first putting it in a ScrollPane makes for more useful behavior -usually. Regardless, the #step and #stepAt: calls work as expected when you use a PasteUpMorph subclass since you get the same behavior as you get from World.


On 2/4/12 10:33 AM, Dave Mason wrote:

I want to build a morphic application (for algorithm animation) so I need to do 
something in the step method.

I wanted to make it a subclass of SystemWindow (I'd actually prefer 
StandardWindow in Pharo but there doesn't appear to be an equivalent in 
Squeak).  But when I do, the step method doesn't get called.  (Nor does 
stepAt:) (And StandardWindow behaves the same.).

But if I move it to MorphicModel step/stepAt: gets called, but I don't get any 
of that SystemWindow goodness.

I've looked at the dispatch in Morph, and I don't see anything different in 
Worldstate>>runLocalStepMethodIn: but this stuff is very difficult to debug, 
because there's asynchronous stuff running behind the scenes.  In particular,
                lastStepMessage value: now.
                lastStepMessage ifNotNil: [...
is a little weird!

Any pointers appreciated.

Thanks  ../Dave

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