Hi FS users

I'm puzzled by FS api.
I want to create a file in a directory so I did 

| wk |
wk := FSFilesystem disk workingDirectory.
(wk / 'CSS2') ensureDirectory


Now I looked at ensureFile and I do not understand the code

        "Create if necessary a file for the receiver."
        self writeStream close.

Because I would like to be able to write in the file and now I do not see why 
closing it is good.

Would be good to add comments to 

FSReference>>writeStreamDo: doBlock ifPresent: presentBlock
        "Create a file if not present and execute doBlock (with a stream) as 
argument, if the file is present execute the presentBlock."
        ^ self isFile
                ifTrue: [ presentBlock value ]
                ifFalse: [ self writeStreamDo: doBlock ]

FSReference>>writeStreamIfPresent: presentBlock
        "Return a writestream on the receiver if it does not already exist or 
execute the presentBlock with no argument"
        ^ self isFile 
                ifTrue: [ presentBlock value ]
                ifFalse: [ self writeStream ]

I do not get why we do not get as argument to the presentBlock the file itself?

I added method comments…. as usual. :(

Camillo could you have a look at such comments and commit them?
I published the package to the fs package. Would be good to cross check and 
that I add it in 1.4

Attachment: FSReference-streams.st
Description: Binary data


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