I am checking out on the basics of the PluggableTextMorph and
PluggableListMorph .. and its cousins.

PluggableListMorph >>
changeModelSelection: anInteger

setIndexSelector ifNotNil:
[model perform: setIndexSelector with: anInteger].

here it is the responsibility of the model to send #changed:
getIndexSelector.  why..?

why not a simpler generic:

changeModelSelection: anInteger

setIndexSelector ifNotNil:
[model perform: setIndexSelector with: anInteger].
"sends the call to all dependents of the model implicitly"
* model perform: #changed: with: getIndexSelector  *

thereof the models anywhere need not bother sending #changed: calls... !



[^setTextSelector isNil or:
[setTextSelector numArgs = 2
ifTrue: [model perform: setTextSelector with: acceptedText with: self]
ifFalse: [model perform: setTextSelector with: acceptedText]]
] ensure: [unstyledAcceptText := nil].
* model perform: #changed with: getTextSelector*

*We can avoid these in the methods if implemented across all
Pluggable??Morphs *

Workspace class>>
openContents: aString

^ self new
 contents: aString; "funny is this itself calls #changed:"
"changed: #contents;"

Makes common sense to me.. rather than expecting the model to explicity
call #changed:..this "view" / widget knows its model and it implicitly
invoking #changed: is cleaner abstraction, unless a use case exists which
may break infrastructure/ whole base doing this..

This way all models associated with various Pluggable??Morphs will work
perfectly fine on just a setter call without extra line being added
everywhere in the application code, apps need to bother about changes to
other symbol viz: updating a list selection index causes another widget to
refresh its content..

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