On 2012-02-05, at 12:49, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
> On 05 Feb 2012, at 11:27, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
>> 14314
>> -----
>> - Issue 5233:        Support Semantic Source Links. Thanks Camillo Bruni.
>>      http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=5233
>> Now when you press command while clicking on a class name you jump to the 
>> class :).
>> Same for the click on a method name and instance variable.
>> Pay attention that this change should really be changed on windows and 
>> linux. So please give us feedback.
>> Camillo will do a fix so that menu appears on click down versus click up.
> Yes ! This is a supercool feature, really. Thx !
> One remark though: shouldn't there be any kind of feedback, like underlining 
> the classname/methodname or a popup text ?
> Sven


- there should be :D (I imagine it exactly like in eclipse, cmd-key pressed => 
underline all links and display a hand cursor onOver)
- telling morphic to do highlighting is a different story |-(
- right now you only get onDrag events in – although named onMove – I guess I 
will have to hack a bit :)
- right-click menus should start working again (they're currently slightly 
- we should have refactoring menus in there (rename instVar/args, push 


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