At first, trying to load text into a workspace (from its menu). More
generally, any attempt at opening the file dialog. UITheme
class>>exampleDialogs fails with the same.

Still worked in update #14284 (previous images I had).

13 February 2012 8:29:31 pm

VM: unix - i686 - linux-gnu - CoInterpreter
VMMaker-oscog-EstebanLorenzano.139 uuid:
5aa53979-d7d8-4ca3-91fe-cfc3b4109c33 Jan 26 2012,
StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker-oscog-EstebanLorenzano.139 uuid:
5aa53979-d7d8-4ca3-91fe-cfc3b4109c33 Jan 26 2012, Commit:
e49a136ea9fe909dd5ba3cdeffac8f61cce27c9f Date: Thu Jan 26 17:38:06
2012 +0100 By: Camillo Bruni <>
Image: Pharo1.4a [Latest update: #14329]

FileDialogWindow(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #directoriesFor:
        Receiver: a FileDialogWindow(176685056)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aMessage:       directoriesFor: UnixFileDirectory on '/home'
                exception:      MessageNotUnderstood: 
                resumeValue:    nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds:         (0@0) corner: (300@200)
                owner:  nil
                submorphs:      an Array(a WindowEdgeGripMorph(160432128) a
                fullBounds:     nil
                color:  (Color r: 0.745 g: 0.745 b: 0.745)
                extension:      a MorphExtension (189530112) [other:  
(paneColor ->
(Color r: 0.745 ...etc...
                borderWidth:    1
                borderColor:    (TranslucentColor r: 0.0 g: 0.0 b: 0.0 alpha: 
                model:  nil
                open:   false
                accessor:       nil
                labelString:    'File'
                stripes:        an Array(a Morph(716963840) a Morph(721420288))
                label:  a LabelMorph(256376832)'File'
                closeBox:       nil
                collapseBox:    nil
                activeOnlyOnTop:        true
                paneMorphs:     an Array(a PanelMorph(571473920))
                collapsedFrame:         nil
                fullFrame:      (0@0) corner: (300@200)
                isCollapsed:    false
                menuBox:        nil
                mustNotClose:   false
                labelWidgetAllowance:   0
                updatablePanes:         #()
                allowReframeHandles:    true
                labelArea:      an AlignmentMorph(726663168)
                expandBox:      nil
                embeddable:     nil
                announcer:      nil
                cancelled:      true
                isResizeable:   nil
                directoryTreeMorph:     a TreeListMorph(689176576)
                fileListMorph:  a PluggableMorphListMorph(24641536)
                directories:    an Array(a FileDirectoryWrapper a 
a FileDirec...etc...
                selectedDirectory:      nil
                selectedFileIndex:      0
                fileSelectionBlock:     [:de | de isDirectory
                ifTrue: [self showDirectoriesInFile...etc...
                showDirectoriesInFileList:      true
                fileSortBlock:  [:de1 :de2 | de1 isDirectory = de2 isDirectory
                ifTrue: [de1 na...etc...
                fileNameText:   ''
                defaultExtension:       nil
                actionSelector:         #selectedPathName
                answer:         nil
                entryCache:     nil
                entryCacheDirectory:    nil
                previewType:    false
                previewMorph:   nil

        Receiver: a FileDirectoryWrapper
        Arguments and temporary variables:

        Receiver's instance variables:
                item:   UnixFileDirectory on '/home'
                model:  a FileDialogWindow(176685056)
                itemName:       'home'
                balloonText:    nil
                hasContents:    true

        Receiver: an IndentingListItemMorph(452984832)'home'
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                newChildren:    nil
                toDelete:       an OrderedCollection()
                c:      nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds:         (0@396) corner: (67@414)
                owner:  a TransformMorph(961282048)
                submorphs:      #()
                fullBounds:     (-4@396) corner: (67@414)
                color:  Color black
                extension:      nil
                font:   a LogicalFont
 familyName: Droid Sans
 emphasis: nil
 pointSize: 9
                emphasis:       nil
                contents:       'home'
                hasFocus:       false
                indentLevel:    0
                isExpanded:     true
                complexContents:        a FileDirectoryWrapper
                firstChild:     nil
                container:      a TreeListMorph(689176576)
                nextSibling:    an IndentingListItemMorph(922746880)'usr'
                icon:   Form(16x16x32)

        Receiver: an IndentingListItemMorph(452984832)'home'
        Arguments and temporary variables:

        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds:         (0@396) corner: (67@414)
                owner:  a TransformMorph(961282048)
                submorphs:      #()
                fullBounds:     (-4@396) corner: (67@414)
                color:  Color black
                extension:      nil
                font:   a LogicalFont
 familyName: Droid Sans
 emphasis: nil
 pointSize: 9
                emphasis:       nil
                contents:       'home'
                hasFocus:       false
                indentLevel:    0
                isExpanded:     true
                complexContents:        a FileDirectoryWrapper
                firstChild:     nil
                container:      a TreeListMorph(689176576)
                nextSibling:    an IndentingListItemMorph(922746880)'usr'
                icon:   Form(16x16x32)

        Receiver: an IndentingListItemMorph(839385088)'tmp'
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anArray:        #('home' 'alexisp' 'workbench' 'Smalltalk' 
                found:  an IndentingListItemMorph(452984832)'home'
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds:         (0@0) corner: (57@18)
                owner:  a TransformMorph(961282048)
                submorphs:      #()
                fullBounds:     (-4@0) corner: (57@18)
                color:  Color black
                extension:      nil
                font:   a LogicalFont
 familyName: Droid Sans
 emphasis: nil
 pointSize: 9
                emphasis:       nil
                contents:       'tmp'
                hasFocus:       false
                indentLevel:    0
                isExpanded:     false
                complexContents:        a FileDirectoryWrapper
                firstChild:     nil
                container:      a TreeListMorph(689176576)
                nextSibling:    an IndentingListItemMorph(235405312)'sbin'
                icon:   Form(16x16x32)

        Receiver: a TreeListMorph(689176576)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aSymbol:        #(#openPath 'home' 'alexisp' 'workbench' 
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds:         (5.0@22.0) corner: (185.0@222.0)
                owner:  a PanelMorph(429391872)
                submorphs:      an Array(a ScrollBar(715653120) a 
                fullBounds:     nil
                color:  Color white
                extension:      a MorphExtension (392691712) [eventHandler = an
EventHandler recipie...etc...
                borderWidth:    1
                borderColor:    (Color r: 0.784 g: 0.784 b: 0.784)
                model:  a FileDialogWindow(176685056)
                open:   false
                accessor:       nil
                scrollBar:      a ScrollBar(715653120)
                scroller:       a TransformMorph(961282048)
                retractableScrollBar:   false
                scrollBarOnLeft:        false
                getMenuSelector:        nil
                getMenuTitleSelector:   nil
                hasFocus:       false
                hScrollBar:     a ScrollBar(847511552)
                selectedMorph:  nil
                getListSelector:        #directories
                keystrokeActionSelector:        nil
                autoDeselect:   false
                columns:        nil
                sortingSelector:        nil
                getSelectionSelector:   #selectedDirectory
                setSelectionSelector:   #selectedDirectory:
                potentialDropMorph:     nil
                lineColor:      nil
                lastSelection:  0
                lastKeystrokeTime:      0
                lastKeystrokes:         ''
                searchedElement:        nil
                font:   a LogicalFont
 familyName: Droid Sans
 emphasis: nil
 pointSize: 9

[:aDependent | aDependent update: aParameter] in
        Receiver: a FileDialogWindow(176685056)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aParameter:     a TreeListMorph(689176576)
                aDependent:     #(#openPath 'home' 'alexisp' 'workbench' 
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds:         (0@0) corner: (300@200)
                owner:  nil
                submorphs:      an Array(a WindowEdgeGripMorph(160432128) a
                fullBounds:     nil
                color:  (Color r: 0.745 g: 0.745 b: 0.745)
                extension:      a MorphExtension (189530112) [other:  
(paneColor ->
(Color r: 0.745 ...etc...
                borderWidth:    1
                borderColor:    (TranslucentColor r: 0.0 g: 0.0 b: 0.0 alpha: 
                model:  nil
                open:   false
                accessor:       nil
                labelString:    'File'
                stripes:        an Array(a Morph(716963840) a Morph(721420288))
                label:  a LabelMorph(256376832)'File'
                closeBox:       nil
                collapseBox:    nil
                activeOnlyOnTop:        true
                paneMorphs:     an Array(a PanelMorph(571473920))
                collapsedFrame:         nil
                fullFrame:      (0@0) corner: (300@200)
                isCollapsed:    false
                menuBox:        nil
                mustNotClose:   false
                labelWidgetAllowance:   0
                updatablePanes:         #()
                allowReframeHandles:    true
                labelArea:      an AlignmentMorph(726663168)
                expandBox:      nil
                embeddable:     nil
                announcer:      nil
                cancelled:      true
                isResizeable:   nil
                directoryTreeMorph:     a TreeListMorph(689176576)
                fileListMorph:  a PluggableMorphListMorph(24641536)
                directories:    an Array(a FileDirectoryWrapper a 
a FileDirec...etc...
                selectedDirectory:      nil
                selectedFileIndex:      0
                fileSelectionBlock:     [:de | de isDirectory
                ifTrue: [self showDirectoriesInFile...etc...
                showDirectoriesInFileList:      true
                fileSortBlock:  [:de1 :de2 | de1 isDirectory = de2 isDirectory
                ifTrue: [de1 na...etc...
                fileNameText:   ''
                defaultExtension:       nil
                actionSelector:         #selectedPathName
                answer:         nil
                entryCache:     nil
                entryCacheDirectory:    nil
                previewType:    false
                previewMorph:   nil

        Receiver: a DependentsArray(a TreeListMorph(689176576) a
PluggableMorphListMorph(24641536) a Pluggab...etc...
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock:         [:aDependent | aDependent update: aParameter]
                dep:    a TreeListMorph(689176576)
                i:      1
                iLimiT:         8
        Receiver's instance variables:
a DependentsArray(a TreeListMorph(689176576) a
PluggableMorphListMorph(24641536) a Pluggab...etc...

        Receiver: a FileDialogWindow(176685056)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aParameter:     #(#openPath 'home' 'alexisp' 'workbench' 
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds:         (0@0) corner: (300@200)
                owner:  nil
                submorphs:      an Array(a WindowEdgeGripMorph(160432128) a
                fullBounds:     nil
                color:  (Color r: 0.745 g: 0.745 b: 0.745)
                extension:      a MorphExtension (189530112) [other:  
(paneColor ->
(Color r: 0.745 ...etc...
                borderWidth:    1
                borderColor:    (TranslucentColor r: 0.0 g: 0.0 b: 0.0 alpha: 
                model:  nil
                open:   false
                accessor:       nil
                labelString:    'File'
                stripes:        an Array(a Morph(716963840) a Morph(721420288))
                label:  a LabelMorph(256376832)'File'
                closeBox:       nil
                collapseBox:    nil
                activeOnlyOnTop:        true
                paneMorphs:     an Array(a PanelMorph(571473920))
                collapsedFrame:         nil
                fullFrame:      (0@0) corner: (300@200)
                isCollapsed:    false
                menuBox:        nil
                mustNotClose:   false
                labelWidgetAllowance:   0
                updatablePanes:         #()
                allowReframeHandles:    true
                labelArea:      an AlignmentMorph(726663168)
                expandBox:      nil
                embeddable:     nil
                announcer:      nil
                cancelled:      true
                isResizeable:   nil
                directoryTreeMorph:     a TreeListMorph(689176576)
                fileListMorph:  a PluggableMorphListMorph(24641536)
                directories:    an Array(a FileDirectoryWrapper a 
a FileDirec...etc...
                selectedDirectory:      nil
                selectedFileIndex:      0
                fileSelectionBlock:     [:de | de isDirectory
                ifTrue: [self showDirectoriesInFile...etc...
                showDirectoriesInFileList:      true
                fileSortBlock:  [:de1 :de2 | de1 isDirectory = de2 isDirectory
                ifTrue: [de1 na...etc...
                fileNameText:   ''
                defaultExtension:       nil
                actionSelector:         #selectedPathName
                answer:         nil
                entryCache:     nil
                entryCacheDirectory:    nil
                previewType:    false
                previewMorph:   nil

        Receiver: a FileDialogWindow(176685056)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aFileDirectory:         UnixFileDirectory on
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds:         (0@0) corner: (300@200)
                owner:  nil
                submorphs:      an Array(a WindowEdgeGripMorph(160432128) a
                fullBounds:     nil
                color:  (Color r: 0.745 g: 0.745 b: 0.745)
                extension:      a MorphExtension (189530112) [other:  
(paneColor ->
(Color r: 0.745 ...etc...
                borderWidth:    1
                borderColor:    (TranslucentColor r: 0.0 g: 0.0 b: 0.0 alpha: 
                model:  nil
                open:   false
                accessor:       nil
                labelString:    'File'
                stripes:        an Array(a Morph(716963840) a Morph(721420288))
                label:  a LabelMorph(256376832)'File'
                closeBox:       nil
                collapseBox:    nil
                activeOnlyOnTop:        true
                paneMorphs:     an Array(a PanelMorph(571473920))
                collapsedFrame:         nil
                fullFrame:      (0@0) corner: (300@200)
                isCollapsed:    false
                menuBox:        nil
                mustNotClose:   false
                labelWidgetAllowance:   0
                updatablePanes:         #()
                allowReframeHandles:    true
                labelArea:      an AlignmentMorph(726663168)
                expandBox:      nil
                embeddable:     nil
                announcer:      nil
                cancelled:      true
                isResizeable:   nil
                directoryTreeMorph:     a TreeListMorph(689176576)
                fileListMorph:  a PluggableMorphListMorph(24641536)
                directories:    an Array(a FileDirectoryWrapper a 
a FileDirec...etc...
                selectedDirectory:      nil
                selectedFileIndex:      0
                fileSelectionBlock:     [:de | de isDirectory
                ifTrue: [self showDirectoriesInFile...etc...
                showDirectoriesInFileList:      true
                fileSortBlock:  [:de1 :de2 | de1 isDirectory = de2 isDirectory
                ifTrue: [de1 na...etc...
                fileNameText:   ''
                defaultExtension:       nil
                actionSelector:         #selectedPathName
                answer:         nil
                entryCache:     nil
                entryCacheDirectory:    nil
                previewType:    false
                previewMorph:   nil

        Receiver: a FileDialogWindow(176685056)
        Arguments and temporary variables:

        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds:         (0@0) corner: (300@200)
                owner:  nil
                submorphs:      an Array(a WindowEdgeGripMorph(160432128) a
                fullBounds:     nil
                color:  (Color r: 0.745 g: 0.745 b: 0.745)
                extension:      a MorphExtension (189530112) [other:  
(paneColor ->
(Color r: 0.745 ...etc...
                borderWidth:    1
                borderColor:    (TranslucentColor r: 0.0 g: 0.0 b: 0.0 alpha: 
                model:  nil
                open:   false
                accessor:       nil
                labelString:    'File'
                stripes:        an Array(a Morph(716963840) a Morph(721420288))
                label:  a LabelMorph(256376832)'File'
                closeBox:       nil
                collapseBox:    nil
                activeOnlyOnTop:        true
                paneMorphs:     an Array(a PanelMorph(571473920))
                collapsedFrame:         nil
                fullFrame:      (0@0) corner: (300@200)
                isCollapsed:    false
                menuBox:        nil
                mustNotClose:   false
                labelWidgetAllowance:   0
                updatablePanes:         #()
                allowReframeHandles:    true
                labelArea:      an AlignmentMorph(726663168)
                expandBox:      nil
                embeddable:     nil
                announcer:      nil
                cancelled:      true
                isResizeable:   nil
                directoryTreeMorph:     a TreeListMorph(689176576)
                fileListMorph:  a PluggableMorphListMorph(24641536)
                directories:    an Array(a FileDirectoryWrapper a 
a FileDirec...etc...
                selectedDirectory:      nil
                selectedFileIndex:      0
                fileSelectionBlock:     [:de | de isDirectory
                ifTrue: [self showDirectoriesInFile...etc...
                showDirectoriesInFileList:      true
                fileSortBlock:  [:de1 :de2 | de1 isDirectory = de2 isDirectory
                ifTrue: [de1 na...etc...
                fileNameText:   ''
                defaultExtension:       nil
                actionSelector:         #selectedPathName
                answer:         nil
                entryCache:     nil
                entryCacheDirectory:    nil
                previewType:    false
                previewMorph:   nil

        Receiver: a FileDialogWindow(176685056)
        Arguments and temporary variables:

        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds:         (0@0) corner: (300@200)
                owner:  nil
                submorphs:      an Array(a WindowEdgeGripMorph(160432128) a
                fullBounds:     nil
                color:  (Color r: 0.745 g: 0.745 b: 0.745)
                extension:      a MorphExtension (189530112) [other:  
(paneColor ->
(Color r: 0.745 ...etc...
                borderWidth:    1
                borderColor:    (TranslucentColor r: 0.0 g: 0.0 b: 0.0 alpha: 
                model:  nil
                open:   false
                accessor:       nil
                labelString:    'File'
                stripes:        an Array(a Morph(716963840) a Morph(721420288))
                label:  a LabelMorph(256376832)'File'
                closeBox:       nil
                collapseBox:    nil
                activeOnlyOnTop:        true
                paneMorphs:     an Array(a PanelMorph(571473920))
                collapsedFrame:         nil
                fullFrame:      (0@0) corner: (300@200)
                isCollapsed:    false
                menuBox:        nil
                mustNotClose:   false
                labelWidgetAllowance:   0
                updatablePanes:         #()
                allowReframeHandles:    true
                labelArea:      an AlignmentMorph(726663168)
                expandBox:      nil
                embeddable:     nil
                announcer:      nil
                cancelled:      true
                isResizeable:   nil
                directoryTreeMorph:     a TreeListMorph(689176576)
                fileListMorph:  a PluggableMorphListMorph(24641536)
                directories:    an Array(a FileDirectoryWrapper a 
a FileDirec...etc...
                selectedDirectory:      nil
                selectedFileIndex:      0
                fileSelectionBlock:     [:de | de isDirectory
                ifTrue: [self showDirectoriesInFile...etc...
                showDirectoriesInFileList:      true
                fileSortBlock:  [:de1 :de2 | de1 isDirectory = de2 isDirectory
                ifTrue: [de1 na...etc...
                fileNameText:   ''
                defaultExtension:       nil
                actionSelector:         #selectedPathName
                answer:         nil
                entryCache:     nil
                entryCacheDirectory:    nil
                previewType:    false
                previewMorph:   nil

        Receiver: a FileDialogWindow(176685056)
        Arguments and temporary variables:

        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds:         (0@0) corner: (300@200)
                owner:  nil
                submorphs:      an Array(a WindowEdgeGripMorph(160432128) a
                fullBounds:     nil
                color:  (Color r: 0.745 g: 0.745 b: 0.745)
                extension:      a MorphExtension (189530112) [other:  
(paneColor ->
(Color r: 0.745 ...etc...
                borderWidth:    1
                borderColor:    (TranslucentColor r: 0.0 g: 0.0 b: 0.0 alpha: 
                model:  nil
                open:   false
                accessor:       nil
                labelString:    'File'
                stripes:        an Array(a Morph(716963840) a Morph(721420288))
                label:  a LabelMorph(256376832)'File'
                closeBox:       nil
                collapseBox:    nil
                activeOnlyOnTop:        true
                paneMorphs:     an Array(a PanelMorph(571473920))
                collapsedFrame:         nil
                fullFrame:      (0@0) corner: (300@200)
                isCollapsed:    false
                menuBox:        nil
                mustNotClose:   false
                labelWidgetAllowance:   0
                updatablePanes:         #()
                allowReframeHandles:    true
                labelArea:      an AlignmentMorph(726663168)
                expandBox:      nil
                embeddable:     nil
                announcer:      nil
                cancelled:      true
                isResizeable:   nil
                directoryTreeMorph:     a TreeListMorph(689176576)
                fileListMorph:  a PluggableMorphListMorph(24641536)
                directories:    an Array(a FileDirectoryWrapper a 
a FileDirec...etc...
                selectedDirectory:      nil
                selectedFileIndex:      0
                fileSelectionBlock:     [:de | de isDirectory
                ifTrue: [self showDirectoriesInFile...etc...
                showDirectoriesInFileList:      true
                fileSortBlock:  [:de1 :de2 | de1 isDirectory = de2 isDirectory
                ifTrue: [de1 na...etc...
                fileNameText:   ''
                defaultExtension:       nil
                actionSelector:         #selectedPathName
                answer:         nil
                entryCache:     nil
                entryCacheDirectory:    nil
                previewType:    false
                previewMorph:   nil

        Receiver: a PharoTheme
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aThemedMorph:   a SystemWindow(645136384)
                title:  'Choose file to open in the workspace'
                patterns:       nil
                path:   nil
                preview:        false
                fd:     nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                settings:       a ThemeSettings
                forms:  a Dictionary(#buttonBottomLeft->Form(12x12x32)
                soundTheme:     nil
                focusIndicator:         a 
                windowActiveDropShadowStyle:    #nodiffuse

        Receiver: a MorphicUIManager
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                patterns:       nil
                label:  'Choose file to open in the workspace'
        Receiver's instance variables:
                interactiveParser:      nil

        Receiver: a Workspace
        Arguments and temporary variables:

        Receiver's instance variables:
                dependents:     a DependentsArray(a SystemWindow(1038876672) a
                contents:       ''
                bindings:       nil
                acceptDroppedMorphs:    false
                acceptAction:   nil
                mustDeclareVariables:   false
                fileName:       nil
                lineEnding:     #lf
                encoding:       'utf-8'
                stylingActive:  true

        Receiver: a Workspace
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                userWarned:     true
        Receiver's instance variables:
                dependents:     a DependentsArray(a SystemWindow(1038876672) a
                contents:       ''
                bindings:       nil
                acceptDroppedMorphs:    false
                acceptAction:   nil
                mustDeclareVariables:   false
                fileName:       nil
                lineEnding:     #lf
                encoding:       'utf-8'
                stylingActive:  true

[| selArgCount |
(selArgCount := selector numArgs) = 0
                ifTrue: [target perform: selector]
                ifFalse: [selArgCount = arguments size
                                ifTrue: [target perform: selector 
withArguments: arguments]
                                ifFalse: [target
                                                perform: selector
                                                withArguments: (arguments 
copyWith: evt)]].
        self changed] in ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>invokeWithEvent:
        Receiver: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(430964736)'Open...'
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                evt:    [(647@560) mouseUp 949878 nil]
                selArgCount:    0
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds:         (543.0@547.0) corner: (857.0@565.0)
                owner:  a MenuMorph(154402816)
                submorphs:      #()
                fullBounds:     (543.0@547.0) corner: (857.0@565.0)
                color:  Color black
                extension:      a MorphExtension (441188352)
                font:   a LogicalFont
 familyName: Droid Sans
 emphasis: nil
 pointSize: 9
                emphasis:       0
                contents:       'Open...'
                hasFocus:       false
                isEnabled:      true
                subMenu:        nil
                isSelected:     false
                target:         a Workspace
                selector:       #openCommand
                arguments:      #()
                icon:   Form(16x16x32)
                getStateSelector:       nil
                enablementSelector:     nil
                keyText:        nil

        Receiver: [| selArgCount |
(selArgCount := selector numArgs) = 0
                ifTrue: [target perform: selector...etc...
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock:         [oldcursor show]
                complete:       nil
                returnValue:    nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                startpc:        160
                numArgs:        0

        Receiver: ((CursorWithMask
        extent: (16@16)
        depth: 1
        fromArray: #(
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock:         [| selArgCount |
(selArgCount := selector numArgs) = 0
                ifTrue: [targe...etc...
                oldcursor:      ((CursorWithMask
        extent: (16@16)
        depth: 1
        fromArray: #(
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bits:   a Bitmap of length 16
                width:  16
                height:         16
                depth:  1
                offset:         (-1@ -1)
                maskForm:       Form(16x16x1)

        Receiver: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(430964736)'Open...'
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                evt:    [(647@560) mouseUp 949878 nil]
                w:      a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds:         (543.0@547.0) corner: (857.0@565.0)
                owner:  a MenuMorph(154402816)
                submorphs:      #()
                fullBounds:     (543.0@547.0) corner: (857.0@565.0)
                color:  Color black
                extension:      a MorphExtension (441188352)
                font:   a LogicalFont
 familyName: Droid Sans
 emphasis: nil
 pointSize: 9
                emphasis:       0
                contents:       'Open...'
                hasFocus:       false
                isEnabled:      true
                subMenu:        nil
                isSelected:     false
                target:         a Workspace
                selector:       #openCommand
                arguments:      #()
                icon:   Form(16x16x32)
                getStateSelector:       nil
                enablementSelector:     nil
                keyText:        nil

        Receiver: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(430964736)'Open...'
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                evt:    [(647@560) mouseUp 949878 nil]
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds:         (543.0@547.0) corner: (857.0@565.0)
                owner:  a MenuMorph(154402816)
                submorphs:      #()
                fullBounds:     (543.0@547.0) corner: (857.0@565.0)
                color:  Color black
                extension:      a MorphExtension (441188352)
                font:   a LogicalFont
 familyName: Droid Sans
 emphasis: nil
 pointSize: 9
                emphasis:       0
                contents:       'Open...'
                hasFocus:       false
                isEnabled:      true
                subMenu:        nil
                isSelected:     false
                target:         a Workspace
                selector:       #openCommand
                arguments:      #()
                icon:   Form(16x16x32)
                getStateSelector:       nil
                enablementSelector:     nil
                keyText:        nil

        Receiver: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(430964736)'Open...'
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anEvent:        [(647@560) mouseUp 949878 nil]
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds:         (543.0@547.0) corner: (857.0@565.0)
                owner:  a MenuMorph(154402816)
                submorphs:      #()
                fullBounds:     (543.0@547.0) corner: (857.0@565.0)
                color:  Color black
                extension:      a MorphExtension (441188352)
                font:   a LogicalFont
 familyName: Droid Sans
 emphasis: nil
 pointSize: 9
                emphasis:       0
                contents:       'Open...'
                hasFocus:       false
                isEnabled:      true
                subMenu:        nil
                isSelected:     false
                target:         a Workspace
                selector:       #openCommand
                arguments:      #()
                icon:   Form(16x16x32)
                getStateSelector:       nil
                enablementSelector:     nil
                keyText:        nil

        Receiver: [(647@560) mouseUp 949878 nil]
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anObject:       a ToggleMenuItemMorph(430964736)'Open...'
        Receiver's instance variables:
                timeStamp:      949878
                source:         a HandMorph(843055104)
                windowIndex:    nil
                type:   #mouseUp
                buttons:        0
                position:       (647@560)
                handler:        nil
                wasHandled:     true
                whichButton:    4

        Receiver: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(430964736)'Open...'
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anEvent:        [(647@560) mouseUp 949878 nil]
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds:         (543.0@547.0) corner: (857.0@565.0)
                owner:  a MenuMorph(154402816)
                submorphs:      #()
                fullBounds:     (543.0@547.0) corner: (857.0@565.0)
                color:  Color black
                extension:      a MorphExtension (441188352)
                font:   a LogicalFont
 familyName: Droid Sans
 emphasis: nil
 pointSize: 9
                emphasis:       0
                contents:       'Open...'
                hasFocus:       false
                isEnabled:      true
                subMenu:        nil
                isSelected:     false
                target:         a Workspace
                selector:       #openCommand
                arguments:      #()
                icon:   Form(16x16x32)
                getStateSelector:       nil
                enablementSelector:     nil
                keyText:        nil

        Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anEvent:        [(647@560) mouseUp 949878 nil]
                aMorph:         a ToggleMenuItemMorph(430964736)'Open...'
                localEvt:       nil
                index:  1
                child:  nil
                morphs:         #()
                inside:         true
        Receiver's instance variables:
                lastType:       #mouseUp
                lastDispatch:   #dispatchDefault:with:

        Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anEvent:        [(647@560) mouseUp 949878 nil]
                aMorph:         a ToggleMenuItemMorph(430964736)'Open...'
        Receiver's instance variables:
                lastType:       #mouseUp
                lastDispatch:   #dispatchDefault:with:

        Receiver: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(430964736)'Open...'
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anEvent:        [(647@560) mouseUp 949878 nil]
                defaultDispatcher:      a MorphicEventDispatcher
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds:         (543.0@547.0) corner: (857.0@565.0)
                owner:  a MenuMorph(154402816)
                submorphs:      #()
                fullBounds:     (543.0@547.0) corner: (857.0@565.0)
                color:  Color black
                extension:      a MorphExtension (441188352)
                font:   a LogicalFont
 familyName: Droid Sans
 emphasis: nil
 pointSize: 9
                emphasis:       0
                contents:       'Open...'
                hasFocus:       false
                isEnabled:      true
                subMenu:        nil
                isSelected:     false
                target:         a Workspace
                selector:       #openCommand
                arguments:      #()
                icon:   Form(16x16x32)
                getStateSelector:       nil
                enablementSelector:     nil
                keyText:        nil

        Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anEvent:        [(647@560) mouseUp 949878 nil]
                aMorph:         a MenuMorph(154402816)
                localEvt:       [(647@560) mouseUp 949878 nil]
                index:  16
                child:  a ToggleMenuItemMorph(430964736)'Open...'
                morphs:         an Array(a 
ToggleMenuItemMorph(505413632)'Close' a
                inside:         false
        Receiver's instance variables:
                lastType:       #mouseUp
                lastDispatch:   #dispatchDefault:with:

        Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anEvent:        [(647@560) mouseUp 949878 nil]
                aMorph:         a MenuMorph(154402816)
        Receiver's instance variables:
                lastType:       #mouseUp
                lastDispatch:   #dispatchDefault:with:

        Receiver: a MenuMorph(154402816)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anEvent:        [(647@560) mouseUp 949878 nil]
                defaultDispatcher:      a MorphicEventDispatcher
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds:         (538.0@377.0) corner: (862.0@763.0)
                owner:  nil
                submorphs:      an Array(a 
ToggleMenuItemMorph(505413632)'Close' a
                fullBounds:     (538.0@377.0) corner: (862.0@763.0)
                color:  (Color r: 0.848 g: 0.848 b: 0.848)
                extension:      a MorphExtension (169345024) [other:  
(basicColor ->
(Color r: 0.745...etc...
                borderWidth:    2
                borderColor:    (Color r: 0.595 g: 0.595 b: 0.595)
                defaultTarget:  a SystemWindow(1038876672)
                selectedItem:   a ToggleMenuItemMorph(430964736)'Open...'
                stayUp:         false
                popUpOwner:     nil
                activeSubMenu:  nil
                activatorDockingBar:    nil
                embeddable:     nil
                menuItems:      an OrderedCollection(a
ToggleMenuItemMorph(505413632)'Close' a Toggl...etc...

        Receiver: a MenuMorph(154402816)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anEvent:        [(647@560) mouseUp 949878 nil]
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds:         (538.0@377.0) corner: (862.0@763.0)
                owner:  nil
                submorphs:      an Array(a 
ToggleMenuItemMorph(505413632)'Close' a
                fullBounds:     (538.0@377.0) corner: (862.0@763.0)
                color:  (Color r: 0.848 g: 0.848 b: 0.848)
                extension:      a MorphExtension (169345024) [other:  
(basicColor ->
(Color r: 0.745...etc...
                borderWidth:    2
                borderColor:    (Color r: 0.595 g: 0.595 b: 0.595)
                defaultTarget:  a SystemWindow(1038876672)
                selectedItem:   a ToggleMenuItemMorph(430964736)'Open...'
                stayUp:         false
                popUpOwner:     nil
                activeSubMenu:  nil
                activatorDockingBar:    nil
                embeddable:     nil
                menuItems:      an OrderedCollection(a
ToggleMenuItemMorph(505413632)'Close' a Toggl...etc...

        Receiver: a MenuMorph(154402816)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                evt:    [(647@560) mouseUp 949878 nil]
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds:         (538.0@377.0) corner: (862.0@763.0)
                owner:  nil
                submorphs:      an Array(a 
ToggleMenuItemMorph(505413632)'Close' a
                fullBounds:     (538.0@377.0) corner: (862.0@763.0)
                color:  (Color r: 0.848 g: 0.848 b: 0.848)
                extension:      a MorphExtension (169345024) [other:  
(basicColor ->
(Color r: 0.745...etc...
                borderWidth:    2
                borderColor:    (Color r: 0.595 g: 0.595 b: 0.595)
                defaultTarget:  a SystemWindow(1038876672)
                selectedItem:   a ToggleMenuItemMorph(430964736)'Open...'
                stayUp:         false
                popUpOwner:     nil
                activeSubMenu:  nil
                activatorDockingBar:    nil
                embeddable:     nil
                menuItems:      an OrderedCollection(a
ToggleMenuItemMorph(505413632)'Close' a Toggl...etc...

[ActiveHand := self.
        ActiveEvent := anEvent.
        result := focusHolder
                                handleFocusEvent: (anEvent
                                                transformedBy: (focusHolder 
transformedFrom: self))] in
        Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anEvent:        [(647@560) mouseUp 949878 nil]
                focusHolder:    a MenuMorph(154402816)
                result:         #(nil)
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds:         (463@471) corner: (479@487)
                owner:  a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
                submorphs:      #()
                fullBounds:     (463@471) corner: (479@487)
                color:  Color blue
                extension:      a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an 
                mouseFocus:     nil
                keyboardFocus:  nil
                eventListeners:         nil
                mouseListeners:         nil
                keyboardListeners:      nil
                mouseClickState:        nil
                mouseOverHandler:       a MouseOverHandler
                lastMouseEvent:         [(463@471) mouseUp 3570522 nil]
                targetOffset:   (60.0@8.0)
                damageRecorder:         a DamageRecorder
                cacheCanvas:    nil
                cachedCanvasHasHoles:   true
                temporaryCursor:        nil
                temporaryCursorOffset:  nil
                hardwareCursor:         nil
                hasChanged:     true
                savedPatch:     nil
                lastEventBuffer:        #(1 3570522 463 471 0 0 0 1)
                lastKeyScanCode:        99
                combinedChar:   nil
                eventSource:    nil
                lastSystemEvent:        nil
                captureBlock:   nil
                recentModifiers:        0

[aBlock value] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
        Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock:         [ActiveHand := self.
        ActiveEvent := anEvent.
        result := focusHolder
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds:         (0@0) corner: (1392@849)
                owner:  nil
                submorphs:      an Array(a TaskbarMorph(984088576) a
SystemWindow(808189952) a Syste...etc...
                fullBounds:     nil
                color:  (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0)
                extension:      a MorphExtension (666632192) [eventHandler = an
EventHandler]  [othe...etc...
                borderWidth:    0
                borderColor:    (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0)
                backgroundMorph:        nil
                worldState:     a WorldState
                griddingOn:     nil

        Receiver: [aBlock value]
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                exception:      Error
                handlerAction:  [:ex |
ActiveWorld := priorWorld.
        ActiveEvent := priorEvent.
                handlerActive:  false
        Receiver's instance variables:
                outerContext:   PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
                startpc:        67
                numArgs:        0

        Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock:         [ActiveHand := self.
        ActiveEvent := anEvent.
        result := focusHolder
                priorWorld:     a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
                priorHand:      a HandMorph(843055104)
                priorEvent:     [(647@560) mouseOver red nil nil]
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds:         (0@0) corner: (1392@849)
                owner:  nil
                submorphs:      an Array(a TaskbarMorph(984088576) a
SystemWindow(808189952) a Syste...etc...
                fullBounds:     nil
                color:  (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0)
                extension:      a MorphExtension (666632192) [eventHandler = an
EventHandler]  [othe...etc...
                borderWidth:    0
                borderColor:    (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0)
                backgroundMorph:        nil
                worldState:     a WorldState
                griddingOn:     nil

        Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anEvent:        [(647@560) mouseUp 949878 nil]
                focusHolder:    a MenuMorph(154402816)
                aBlock:         [self mouseFocus: nil]
                w:      a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
                result:         #(nil)
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds:         (463@471) corner: (479@487)
                owner:  a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
                submorphs:      #()
                fullBounds:     (463@471) corner: (479@487)
                color:  Color blue
                extension:      a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an 
                mouseFocus:     nil
                keyboardFocus:  nil
                eventListeners:         nil
                mouseListeners:         nil
                keyboardListeners:      nil
                mouseClickState:        nil
                mouseOverHandler:       a MouseOverHandler
                lastMouseEvent:         [(463@471) mouseUp 3570522 nil]
                targetOffset:   (60.0@8.0)
                damageRecorder:         a DamageRecorder
                cacheCanvas:    nil
                cachedCanvasHasHoles:   true
                temporaryCursor:        nil
                temporaryCursorOffset:  nil
                hardwareCursor:         nil
                hasChanged:     true
                savedPatch:     nil
                lastEventBuffer:        #(1 3570522 463 471 0 0 0 1)
                lastKeyScanCode:        99
                combinedChar:   nil
                eventSource:    nil
                lastSystemEvent:        nil
                captureBlock:   nil
                recentModifiers:        0

        Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anEvent:        [(647@560) mouseUp 949878 nil]
                focusHolder:    a MenuMorph(154402816)
                aBlock:         [self mouseFocus: nil]
                result:         nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds:         (463@471) corner: (479@487)
                owner:  a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
                submorphs:      #()
                fullBounds:     (463@471) corner: (479@487)
                color:  Color blue
                extension:      a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an 
                mouseFocus:     nil
                keyboardFocus:  nil
                eventListeners:         nil
                mouseListeners:         nil
                keyboardListeners:      nil
                mouseClickState:        nil
                mouseOverHandler:       a MouseOverHandler
                lastMouseEvent:         [(463@471) mouseUp 3570522 nil]
                targetOffset:   (60.0@8.0)
                damageRecorder:         a DamageRecorder
                cacheCanvas:    nil
                cachedCanvasHasHoles:   true
                temporaryCursor:        nil
                temporaryCursorOffset:  nil
                hardwareCursor:         nil
                hasChanged:     true
                savedPatch:     nil
                lastEventBuffer:        #(1 3570522 463 471 0 0 0 1)
                lastKeyScanCode:        99
                combinedChar:   nil
                eventSource:    nil
                lastSystemEvent:        nil
                captureBlock:   nil
                recentModifiers:        0

--- The full stack ---
FileDialogWindow(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #directoriesFor:
[:aDependent | aDependent update: aParameter] in
[| selArgCount |
(selArgCount := selector numArgs) = 0
                ifTrue: [target perform: selector]
                ifFalse: [selArgCount = arguments size
                                ifTrue: [target perform: selector 
withArguments: arguments]
                                ifFalse: [target
                                                perform: selector
                                                withArguments: (arguments 
copyWith: evt)]].
        self changed] in ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>invokeWithEvent:
[ActiveHand := self.
        ActiveEvent := anEvent.
        result := focusHolder
                                handleFocusEvent: (anEvent
                                                transformedBy: (focusHolder 
transformedFrom: self))] in
[aBlock value] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                        - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[:h |
ActiveHand := h.
        h processEvents.
        ActiveHand := nil] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor:
[[World doOneCycle.
        Processor yield.
        false] whileFalse.
        nil] in MorphicUIManager>>spawnNewProcess
[self value.
        Processor terminateActive] in BlockClosure>>newProcess

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