Sven Van Caekenberghe
Smalltalk is the Red Pill

On 22 Feb 2012, at 22:04, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:

>> Hi Norbert!
>> Yes, I know that the situation is better with Zinc (I checked the code and 
>> really look nice and simple to understand). I only mentioned XMLRPC as a 
>> mere example of how the things become unusable so fast.
>> Talking about this what you guys consider best, migrate XMLRPC to 1.3 or 
>> directly to 1.4 ?
> There should be not that much difference for XML and Zinc API between 1.3 and 
> 1.4 (even if Zinc changes much more than XML.
> Now I code in 1.4 most of my time. 
>> Germán.

Normally you would write XMLRPC against Zinc HTTP Components and XML Support, 
both are working fine on 1.3 and 1.4. Pharo 1.3 is released and in that sense 
more stable (as in predictable and not changing as much), but 1.4 has much more 
of the latest features/fixes and is generally more fun (but you'll be living on 
the edge).

Here is an XMLRPC call without the infrastructure of generating/parsing the 
proper XML:

| call |
call := '<?xml version="1.0"?>
ZnClient new
        url: 'http://www.cookcomputing.com/xmlrpcsamples/RPC2.ashx';
        entity: (ZnEntity with: call type: ZnMimeType applicationXml);



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