On 24 February 2012 01:26, Lawson English <lengli...@cox.net> wrote:
> I was experimenting a little bit. What is the best way, using code,  to put
> an GLViewportMorph into a scrollpane? the things I have tried so far seem to
> either crash Pharo or not work as I expect.

By default GLViewportMorph copying a rendered stuff from gl buffer
directly to Display form
to avoid extra copying.
This trick is not fully compatible with morphic, since it ignoring
clipping bounds etc.

If you want to have full integration with morphic, first turn on
"useOwnForm" flag first
then viewport will copy rendered pixels into own buffer, which is then
can be used for subsequent drawing on morphic canvas.
GLViewportMorph>>drawOn: aCanvas

Probably we should add a bounds checking in
NBGLDisplay>>updateForm: aForm bounds: aBounds
because if you go outside of form's bounds, you have imminent crash
due to memory corruption.

What can be done, code can be rewritten to take into account a canvas
clipping + origin, to get more
correct (and safe) copying of rendered pixels, but still avoiding
extra copy to intermediate form.

Anyways, i don't like the fact that it copying the rendered stuff from
video memory back to main memory,
and then copying stuff back to video memory (but this time by morphic + VM).
But this was a cheap way to get demo working and morphic integration.

If i would be making app which using opengl for rendering, i would
never copy things like that,
because it just a waste of cycles causing a big impact to frame rate.
What works for demo, is not really applicable in serious application.  :)
In serious app, i'd rather copy morphic Display form into separate
texture and then render it along with other  stuff, which is already
in video memory.
But this approach needs more time investments, which currently i don't
have, and actually heavily depends
on what you want from your app.

Anyways, if there's someone who having spare time to fix
NBGLDisplay>>updateForm:bounds: implementation
to make it safer, i would appreciate that.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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