
I am continuing my search of why does my remote headless image run out of
semaphores eventually.

I have found the culprit this time. It is most definitively related to
RFBServer. I am using version 38 from
Every time I disconnect from the image with my VNC client (I click the
disconnect icon) the count of leaked semaphores increases by 3. Since there
is 3 semaphores per socket, I guess this is related to sockets.

Now what do I do? What do I check?

I am running the a Pharo image and Cog I got from CI server yesterday.

This is the script I use to count leaked semaphores:

| semaphores arr res |
arr := ExternalSemaphoreTable unprotectedExternalObjects.
semaphores := arr reject: #isNil.

res := semaphores collect: [:sema | sema pointersTo reject: [:ptr | ptr ==
arr or: [ptr == semaphores ] ] ].
res := res select: [ :each | each isEmpty ].
res size.

Milan Mimica

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