Very good news! Thanks by share your work and for the help out of this list.

Cant wait to try the new stuff!

2012/3/2, Gary Chambers <>:
> Just a heads up.
> I'll be making some time next week for reintegrating various fixes and
> improvements to mostly Polymorph related things.
> Whilst based on 1.4, it has been some time since I've updated my happily
> stable image and the changes have accumulated to be fairly extensive, all
> driven by business needs of course ;-) (no reason that nice stuff can be
> done in that remit!).
> The changes will hopefully not break anyone's parallel efforts, likely,
> though is going to be painful to resynchronise as the community has been
> doing plentiful excellent work in improvement.
> I humbly ask that fixes/changes to Morphic/Polymorph could be put on hold in
> terms of submissions whilst I integrate as a stable baseline will be
> necessary.
> I'll post again on the list next week as to when I start on the
> reintegration so I can hopefully get a clear few days of stability, along
> with letting you all know preliminary details of the effects of changes
> (won't know full repurcussions until analysed).
> In addition to fixes etc. I can make available a couple of UI themes
> suitable for touchscreen devices (Android Gingerbread style basically, in
> HDPI and MDPI) and a few other goodies.
> Hopefully all for the better as discovered through using things to produce
> business applications.
> Videos to come based on the products we are developing with Pharo.
> Regards, Gary
> Sent from my iPad

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Germán S. Arduino  <gsa @>   Twitter: garduino
Arduino Software

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