On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 5:17 PM, Igor Stasenko <siguc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 9 March 2012 01:22, Guillermo Polito <guillermopol...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> ClassBuilder>>validateClassName: aString
>>             self notify: aString asText allBold,
>>                         ' already exists!\Proceed will store over it.'
>> Is it right to do that asText allBold there? :S
>> Shouldn't an exception be raised instead?
>> Do I open a ticket?
> Yes.
> We should kill dependency by removing asText asBold.
> Notifications should not accept rich-formatted text anyways,
> because not all ui managers can handle it  (now we having command-line
> ui manager
> which prints message on console).
Maybe have the command-line ui manager dumb down the representation -
I'm sure this isn't the only place.

this likely pre-dates Exceptions (or at least wide-spread use of
them).  A much better direction is to use exceptions (or
Announcements?) here, and have a process capture them and display
appropriately for what they can display. The mechanism should probably
include Class name and exception text, which could be rich-formatted
as above, or plain formatted for command-line UI, or interrogated for
other observers.

Just suggestions.


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