Hi Bill,

This was already fixed for 1.4


It could be backported I guess.


On 18 Mar 2012, at 02:11, Schwab,Wilhelm K wrote:

> Hello all,
> I did some long overdue networking, and tried ConnectionQueue in 1.3.  My 
> changed version, that appears to work, is below.
> The key to the potential fix is in adding the #yourself to this line:
>      newConnection := socket waitForConnectionFor: 10; yourself.
> #waitForConnectionFor: returns true or signals an error, the true ends up 
> replacing the socket with a boolean and badness results.
> Can anyone confirm this?
> Bill
> listenLoop
>     "Private! This loop is run in a separate process. It will establish up to 
> maxQueueLength connections on the given port."
>     "Details: When out of sockets or queue is full, retry more frequently, 
> since a socket may become available, space may open in the queue, or a 
> previously queued connection may be aborted by the client, making it 
> available for a fresh connection."
>     "Note: If the machine is disconnected from the network while the server 
> is running, the currently waiting socket will go from 
> 'isWaitingForConnection' to 'unconnected', and attempts to create new sockets 
> will fail. When this happens, delete the broken socket and keep trying to 
> create a socket in case the network connection is re-established. Connecting 
> and disconnecting was tested under PPP on Mac system 8.1. It is not if this 
> will work on other platforms.
>     Fixed to not accept the connection if the queue is full (gvc)."
>     | newConnection |
>     socket := Socket newTCP.
>     "We'll accept four simultanous connections at the same time"
>     socket listenOn: portNumber backlogSize: 4.
>     "If the listener is not valid then the we cannot use the
>     BSD style accept() mechanism."
>     socket isValid ifFalse: [^self oldStyleListenLoop].
>     [true] whileTrue: [
>         socket isValid ifFalse: [
>             "socket has stopped listening for some reason"
>             socket destroy.
>             (Delay forMilliseconds: 10) wait.
>             ^self listenLoop ].
>         [newConnection := socket waitForConnectionFor: 10; yourself. ]
>             on: ConnectionTimedOut
>             do: [:ex | newConnection := nil].
>         (newConnection notNil and: [newConnection isConnected])
>             ifTrue: [(accessSema critical: [connections size < 
> maxQueueLength])
>                         ifTrue: [newConnection := socket accept]
>                         ifFalse: [socket closeAndDestroy: 0]]
>             ifFalse: [newConnection := nil].
>         (newConnection notNil and: [newConnection isConnected]) ifTrue: [
>             accessSema critical: [connections addLast: newConnection].
>             newConnection := nil.
>             self changed].
>         self pruneStaleConnections]. 

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