On Mar 22, 2012, at 2:45 PM, Camillo Bruni wrote:

> let's have some fun and do
> Object subclass: #Behavior
>       uses: TPureBehavior
>       instanceVariableNames: 'superclass methodDict format layout'
>       classVariableNames: 'ObsoleteSubclasses'
>       poolDictionaries: ''
>       category: 'Kernel-Classes'
> proceed over the several warnings not to change Behavior and BOOM! :D 
> why would I do this? => we want first class layouts (most probably in 1.5)

whoooo so exciting.


> ===============================================================================
> StackInterpreter VMMaker-oscog-EstebanLorenzano.139 
> uuid: 5aa53979-d7d8-4ca3-91fe-cfc3b4109c33
> ===============================================================================
> Recompiling Metaclass (2041/2046)                                          
> 100%
> ===============================================================================
> Notice: Errors in script loaded from script.st
> ===============================================================================
> ==== Startup Error: MessageNotUnderstood: Dictionary>>asLowercase
> Dictionary(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #asLowercase
> ChangeSet>>noteClassStructure:
> ChangeSet>>changeClass:from:
> ChangeSet>>event:
> WeakMessageSend>>valueWithArguments:
> WeakActionSequenceTrappingErrors>>valueWithArguments:startingFrom: 
>       in Block: [answer := each valueWithArguments: anArray]
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> WeakActionSequenceTrappingErrors>>valueWithArguments:startingFrom:
> WeakActionSequenceTrappingErrors>>valueWithArguments:
> SystemEventManager(Object)>>triggerEvent:withArguments:
> ...
> ===============================================================================
> CoInterpreter VMMaker-oscog-EstebanLorenzano.139 
> uuid: 5aa53979-d7d8-4ca3-91fe-cfc3b4109c33
> ===============================================================================
> Recompiling Class class (924/2046)                                          
> 45%
> ===============================================================================
> Notice: Errors in script loaded from script.st
> ===============================================================================
> ==== Startup Error: MessageNotUnderstood: ByteSymbol>>copyTraitExpression
> ByteSymbol(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #copyTraitExpression
> ClassBuilder>>mutate:to: in Block: [:oldSubclass | ...
> Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do:
> ClassBuilder>>mutate:to:
> ClassBuilder>>mutate:to: in Block: [:oldSubclass | ...
> Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do:
> ClassBuilder>>mutate:to:
> ClassBuilder>>mutate:to: in Block: [:oldSubclass | ...
> Array(SequenceableCollecti
> ...
> ===============================================================================
> now and then the CogVM crashes due to a SEGFAULT. Under one of the old Squeak 
> VMs it compiles but depending on the VM version, has issues maintaining a 
> sane 
> state.
> So this is most certainly a VM issue and not a bug in the image side code.
> As far as I remember the CogVM opens a modified image without issues...
> best
> cami

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