Really cool hack, Alain.
Amazing that you can do such deep things with so little code.


On 10 Apr 2012, at 01:03, Alain Plantec wrote:

> Hi,
> yes, the default font is not that readable.
> as a workarround try the following (and see before and after screenshots):
> -------
> | fb |
> StandardFonts setFontsToStyleNamed: #small.
> fb :=StandardFonts defaultFont emphasized: 1.
> #($. $: $; $' $` $,)
>    do: [:ch |
>        StandardFonts defaultFont characterFormAt: ch put: (fb 
> characterFormAt: ch) deepCopy.
>        StandardFonts defaultFont widen: ch by: 1].
> -------
> this make the punctuation chars much more visible :
> it replace a regular one with the corresponding bold one and make it wider by 
> 1 pixel.
> Cheers
> Alain
> Le 08/04/12 21:03, Stéphane Ducasse a écrit :
>> Hi guys
>> I do not like the default font because there is not enough space around :
>> so this is difficult to see it for example in
>>              :=
>> so what can be done?
>> Can we modify this font?
>> Stef
> <before.png><after.png>

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