btw Windows 7 is  version...  6.1.7600
see detail in

Eliot Miranda wrote:
Hi Hilaire,

    I guess you're running Windows 7 and that the VM is quite correctly
answering something like 7.1 for Smalltalk vm getSystemAttribute: 1002
a.k.a. Smalltalk os osVersion.  So I suspect the preferencesRootPath method
needs to be updated to take into account Windows 7.

On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 1:21 PM, Hilaire Fernandes <> wrote:

I took the Pharo 1.3 one-click package from Pharo-project then I
replaced the image with a Pharo 1.4 image.

It looks like the code from DosFileDirectory>>preferencesRootPath is
broken or the the used VM does not return the expected value (Smalltalk
vm getSystemAttribute: 1002)

I tested with the COG VM for Windows from Pharo web site, the problem is
the same.

Fix may be easy but I don't know exactly the extent of the problem.

I have tested under Wine as I don't have windows.


       |  list rootPath osMajorVer |

       "First try to adhere to hardcoded Microsoft conventions - though we
really should be reading environment variables since %SYSTEMDRIVE% might
not be C: "
       "Windows OS Version numbers from

       osMajorVer := Smalltalk os osVersion first.
       osMajorVer = $5 ifTrue: [ rootPath := 'C:\Documents and Settings\All
       osMajorVer = $6 ifTrue: [ rootPath := 'C:\ProgramData\Pharo\'].

Dr. Geo --

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