Thanks for the feedback

On Apr 21, 2012, at 2:00 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

> Hi guys. After our meeting at Lille, I did a pass of SmallLint over Fuel 
> project. I have to say that I enjoyed the tool and that. I love the 
> manifiesto idea. I love to store metada and to be able to reject rules and 
> scenarios to avoid having false positives again in the future. In addition, 
> it looks like I had less false positive than with other tools. However, there 
> were a couple of rules that I don't understand or may suggest something:
> 1) First, apart form showing the package between parenthesis, I would also 
> show the protocol (category). Because some rules play with that, so it is 
> handy if you can directly see them there, otherwise you need to browse the 
> code.
> 2) RBContainsRule is not clear for me. " 'Checks for the common code 
> fragment: "(aCollection detect: [:each | ''some condition''] ifNone: [nil]) 
> ~= nil". contains: can simplify this code to "aCollection contains: [:each | 
> ''some condition'']". Not only is the contains: variant shorter, it better 
> signifies what the code is doing.'"
> That is not very true. #contains answers true or false, while 
> detect:ifNone:[] answers whatever, and in your example it is nil. So, the 
> answer will be different and hence it is not the same. Ok, in your example, 
> you compare after with == nil... but... I don't really see a use case. For 
> example, in my case it detected:
> classNamed: className 
>     ^ (migrations
>         detect: [:m | m sourceClassName = className ]
>         ifNone: [ ^ self globalClassNamed: className ])
>         targetClass.
> 3) RBLawOfDemeterRule: maybe you can exclude string concatenation?  (#,)  
> because it detected a lot of messages like this:
> signalWith: aGlobalName and: aSelector
>     ^ self signal: 'Method ', aGlobalName, '>>#', aSelector, ' not found.'
> Also, what about excluding messages like #asXXX. For example, here it 
> detected "self signature asByteArray". Is that completly breaking the law of 
> demeter? mmm I don't think so.
> verifySignatureFrom: aDecoder
>     | streamSignature |
>     streamSignature := ByteArray new: self signature size.
>     aDecoder nextEncodedBytesInto: streamSignature.
>     (self signature asByteArray = streamSignature) ifFalse: [ 
>         FLBadSignature 
>             signalCurrentSignature: self signature 
>             streamSignature: streamSignature  ].
> 4) RBSentNotImplementedRule:  I didn't understand why it has selected:
> largeIdentityHash
>     <primitive: 75>
>     self primitiveFailed
> both messages are implemented :(
> 5) RBClassInstVarNotInitializedRule could be smarter and search not only for 
> #initialize but for #initializeXXX. Lots of times, I initialize my objects 
> with data, using a particular nitialize method, such as:
> initializeWithBehaviors: someBehaviors extensionMethods: someExtensionMethods
> so the rule says there is no initialize...but I have that one ;)
> That's all the feedback so far. It helped me to find some things to improve 
> so thanks!
> -- 
> Mariano

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