Yes probably in PharoNonCorePackages

in the near future we will clean all this mess :)

    location: ''
    user: 'sd'
    password: ''

Apparently some examples are depending from SketchMorph. I'm trying to have a 
look and cleaning them.

> The Atoms and other friends are available on a monticello repository. It is 
> something like morphic-examples. It was squeaksource I think.
> Philippe
> Envoyé depuis un mobile Samsung
> Peredur <> a écrit :
> Hi,
> I'm trying to work my way through the Pharo by example book on my Ubuntu 
> 12.04 LTS box.  Unfortunately, things in the book don't look like they do on 
> my setup.  For example, I can't work out what the key combination is to get 
> the 'Morphic Halo'.  I can get it from a menu, but not from a key press 
> combination.
> Also, calling: 
> BouncingAtomsMorph new openInWorld 
> doesn't work.  I just get an error message saying that there is no such 
> object.
> I thought these problems might be due to me having the standard image instead 
> of the Pharo by Example image.  So I downloaded that image but when I call 
> Pharo on that image:
> $ ./pharo ../Resources/PBE.image
> I just get a segmentation fault.
> I'm a complete newbie (but an experienced programmer in a variety of OO and 
> other languages), so if anyone could shed any light on this, I'd be very 
> grateful.
> Thanks
> Peter
> -- 
> Peter Bradley

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