Pavel Krivanek wrote:
On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 2:38 PM, Herby Vojčík<>  wrote:

Pavel Krivanek wrote:
Some next interesting information:

o := ((Metaclass allInstances detect: [:c | c superclass = ProtoObject
class]) instVarNamed: #thisClass). 1.

Smalltalk allClassesAndTraits select: [:c | o isKindOf: c] ->    an
OrderedCollection(Behavior Class ClassDescription Object ProtoObject)

Smalltalk allClasses select: [:c | o class == c] ->    an
OrderedCollection()   "WTF"

My gut feeling says 'o class == o' here.
Also it may be interesting to see what is o class class.
(o class is not inspectable, is it?)

As I see there is a circle but different one:

dzindzik := (Metaclass allInstances detect: [:c | c superclass =
ProtoObject class]). 1.
o := dzindzik instVarNamed: #thisClass. 1.
o class == dzindzik ->  true
... what just says it's a metaclass...

BTW, o methodDict is inspectable, it has size 338 and definitely is something from morphic taken from method names.

Obviously :-) Smalltalk allClasses select: [ :c | c class methodDict size = 338] => anOrderedCollection()


-- Pavel


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