Hi Sven,

> -1
> #asByteArray does an implicit text to bytes conversion (granted, a stupid 
> one).
> This will (and had conflicted in the past) with the text conversion done 
> automatically by the HTTP client.
> The response simply has to be binary because the data is binary.

Yes, I understand.  The important thing is that at the moment is that
a misconfigured server results in something that gives the appearance
of a Pharo bug.

>> Failing that, the condition should probably be explicitly checked for
>> and a more useful error message given, as the cause is far enough away
>> from the symptom that it takes a bit of digging to find out what went
>> wrong.
> +1
> Yes, the error should be reported better. As it is today is not acceptable.
> Normally, the ZnClient>>#accept: option (in combination with #systemPolicy) 
> would do the trick.
> However, while a ZnMimeType text wildcard (text/*) is useful to require 
> textual responses, no such general wildcard exists for (all) binary 
> responses. We could try with (application/*) and hope that enough MC servers 
> comply (I think most will use application/octet-stream or 
> application/x-monticello anyway).
> I could try to make a 2.0 patch and see what happens.



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