I have no idea... but you can try to reproduce.
The build is still saved:
Here is the SUnit report:

-- Pavel

On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 9:34 AM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@beta9.be> wrote:
> On 05 Jun 2012, at 08:55, Pavel Krivanek wrote:
>> Thank you, Tests Guard page updated
>> http://code.google.com/p/pharo/wiki/TestsGuard
> How did TimeTest>>#testGeneralInquiries get in there ?
> I looked at it and I can't imagine why this would randomly fail on Mac OS X. 
> But everything is possible.
> Maybe something with time zones, but as far as I can see, both date parsing 
> and date creation from seconds use the local time zone.
> As for the test code itself,
> testGeneralInquiries
>        | now d t dt |
>        now  := self timeClass dateAndTimeNow.
>        self
>                assert: now size = 2;
>                assert: now last <= self timeClass now.
>        self should: [ self timeClass timeWords ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
>        d := '2 June 1973' asDate.
>        t := '4:02:47 am' asTime.
>        dt := self timeClass dateAndTimeFromSeconds: (2285280000 + 14567).
>        self
>                assert: dt = {d. t.}.
> The middle part is a GREAT example of a useful unit test…
> Sven

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