Hi, hardcore hackers.
please take a look at the code and tell if it can be improved.

The AsmJit snippet below transforms an unicode integer value
to 1..4-byte sequence of utf-8

then the outer piece of code (which is not yet written) will
accumulate the results of this snippet
to do a memory-aligned (4byte) writes..
like that, if 4 unicode characters can be encoded into 4 utf-8 bytes
(which mostly the case for latin-1 char range), then there will be
4 memory reads (to read four 32-bit unicode values) but only single
memory write (to write four 8-bit utf-8 encoded values).

The idea is to make utf-8 encoding speed close to memory copying speed :)

convertUnicode: asm
- EAX  32-bit unicode value to convert

- EAX - utf-8 encoded character (in little-endian byte order) max 4 bytes
- EDX - number of encoded bytes
        | moreThanOne moreThanTwo moreThanThree end |
        moreThanOne := asm uniqueLabelName: 'moreThanOne'.
        moreThanTwo := asm uniqueLabelName: 'moreThanTwo'.
        moreThanThree := asm uniqueLabelName: 'moreThanThree'.
        end := asm uniqueLabelName: 'end'.
                cmp:  asm EAX with: 16r7F;
                jg: moreThanOne;
        "one byte"
                mov: 1 to: asm EDX;
                jmp: end;
        label: moreThanOne;
                cmp: asm EAX with: 16r7FF;
                jg: moreThanTwo;
"two bytes 80 .. 7FF"
"       AH                      AL            "
"00000aaa aabbbbbb"
"110aaaaa 10bbbbbb
        AL                      AH   (little endian order)
                shr: asm EAX with: 2;
                shl: asm AL with: 2;
                or: asm AX with: 2r1100000010000000;
                xchg: asm AL with: asm AH;
                mov: 2 to: asm EDX;
                jmp: end;
        label: moreThanTwo;
                cmp: asm EAX with: 16rFFFF;
                jg: moreThanThree;
"three bytes 800 ... FFFF"      
"       AH                      AL            "
"aaaabbbb bbcccccc"
" => 1110aaaa 10bbbbbb 10cccccc"
                shl: asm EAX with: 4;
                shr: asm AX with: 2;
                shr: asm AL with: 2;
        " EAX = ...aaaa xxbbbbbb xxcccccc "
                or: asm EAX with: 2r111000001000000010000000;  "16rE08080"      
                shl: asm EAX with: 8;
                bswap: asm EAX;
                mov: 3 to: asm EDX;
                jmp: end;
"four bytes 1000 ... 10FFFF"    
"       AH                      AL            "
"000aaabb bbbbcccc ccdddddd"
"=> 11110aaa 10bbbbbb 10cccccc 10dddddd"                
                mov: asm EAX to: asm EDX;
                shl: asm EAX with: 4;
                shr: asm AX with: 2;
                shr: asm AL with: 2;
        " EAX = 0000000a aabbbbbb xxcccccc xxdddddd "
                and: asm EAX with: 16r3F3F3F;
                bswap: asm EAX;
                shr: asm EDX with: 18; "6*3"
                or: asm DL with: 16r11110000;
                mov: asm DL to: asm AL;
                mov: 4 to: asm EDX;
        label: end

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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