If one group of guys would take the lead we could introduce XTream in 2.0 and 
slowly start to integrate and deprecate slowly the old streams.  Who is 
interested in that?


>>>> Tx
>>>> now there is a difference between adjustments and fully new API and I
>>>> would have preferred adjustments.
>>>> Stef
>>> IMO, Xtreams design is simply superior.
>> +100.
>> I gave up on trying to mold the current Streams into something a bit more
>> reasonable and still be backwards compatible quite some time ago.
>> That other thread about Converters?
>> Totally related. For example, you can't do what Sven did in the Zn
>> converters without breaking backwards compatability. Nor could you do it
>> reasonably fast in the general case, since fast string -> bytearray
>> streaming works for some streams, but not for others. (which, I guess, is
>> one reason why the legacy converters do string -> string.)
>> IMHO, Xtreams would be a perfect fit to go with the new FileSystem as well.
>> (using compositing on top of a "dumb" terminal)
> Quite sure that it is highly ranked in Colin's plans.
>>> But i agree, we cannot throw existing streams out.. too much things
>>> tied to them, and rely
>>> on using stream protocols. :(
>> Well, one*could* try to introduce something akin to the Zn HTTPClient
>> compatability protocol, strictly speaking what you can do with Xtreams is a
>> superset of what Streams currently do.
>> The problem is all the moronic quirks of the current Streams, and clients
>> potentially relying on that behaviour.
>> Cheers,
>> Henry

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