Camillo Bruni wrote:
On 2012-07-04, at 14:02, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:

On 04 Jul 2012, at 13:50, wrote:

I am using Mercurial for all of the other projects and technologies.

With a full copy of everything locally, it helps indeed when we get crashes...

But GIT/Hg isn't giving you the change sorter.
I have used/tried FileTree/Git(hub) a bit and it is cool and it works.
But I do miss (tools) integration in the image.
The workflow also changes a bit, it is no longer all Smalltalk.

IMHO it is not yet quite ready.

indeed. I remember that my solution didn't change a thing from the image side
experience. It was "simply" a git backend for MC.

But, well, you should then do something with near-zero obstacle experience, like mirroring all included-by-default packages on github or butbucket, uploading your wrapper/backend with ConfigurationOf and all bells and whistles into some MC repository (SmalltalkHub?), include with it the code that automatically re-assigns repository paths from SqueakSource/whatever into github, so people can just load it and get in.

That way, more or them could actually try.


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