On 27 August 2012 17:44, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
> Igor Stasenko wrote:
>> you can open .changes file in another image to rescue your code.
> Thanks Igor.  I gave that a go but couldn't work it out.  I tried the
> following:  Unzipped a fresh image, copied the .changes file into the folder
> to overwrite the existing .changes file, then after starting the image tried
> (World > Tools > Recover lost changes...)  but I get "Information: this
> image has never been saved since changes were compressed."  Saving the image
> seems to empty the .changes file.  I could not find another way.  Is there
> something else I should be doing?

yes, just open .changes file in a file browser.
this is what i meant to say..

Or, if you look at ChangeSet (or ChangeBrowser - don't remember the name) code,
at class side you can find the methods which actually allow you to
browse contents of a .changes
file. and you can specify what file to open. you just need to do some
research :)

>> also you can patch the image's bytecode to avoid entering an offending
>> method
>> (like a method which enters the drawing , just see its bytecode in
>> another image,
>> and the find same byte sequence in crashing image, and put return self
>> bytecode)
> Thanks, but that is beyond my capability at the moment.  Probably wishing
> for too much, but ideally some mechanism might use info from the debug.log
> to do this automatically.
maybe.. i don't know. need to think about it.

>> On 25 August 2012 03:42, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
>>> Igor Stasenko wrote:
>>>> On 4 August 2012 04:11, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
>>>>> As probably many newbies do from time to time, I am learning the system
>>>>> splattering 'self halt' around, and once again slipped one into the
>>>>> wrong
>>>>> place where I should have used 'haltOnce' and had a massive number of
>>>>> pre-debugger windows come up.  I managed to get it back this time with
>>>>> the
>>>>> user interrupt - but not always - and anyhow clearing so many debug
>>>>> windows
>>>>> is a pain.  So..... could 'self halt' be made to monitor the rate that
>>>>> the
>>>>> halt windows appear, and when more than some value from one of them
>>>>> (say
>>>>> five per second) it starts getting ignored and shows a dialog asking
>>>>> the
>>>>> user if they really meant this and enable danger mode, or if they
>>>>> screwed
>>>>> up
>>>>> and want to revert the method containing the suspect 'halt'.
>>>> If we look from user's perspective (not machine perspective), apparently
>>>> it is pointless to throw so many messages at the user's face, because
>>>> he cannot deal with them
>>>> in meaningful manner at such rate.
>>>> So, i think there should be something like following:
>>>> - if exception requires a user interaction, we do show the popup, but
>>>> meanwhile remember
>>>> the exception which initiated it.
>>>> - if there's next exception incoming and also asks UI manager to show
>>>> it to user, we queue it,
>>>> letting user to deal with first one.. (or we delay the popup , say 1
>>>> each 5 seconds).
>>>> and finally, a queue should have some reasonable limit, after which we
>>>> stop queuing , because again, user certainly won't be willing to waste
>>>> his time dealing with 10000000 exceptions of same kind one by one. It
>>>> doesn't makes sense anyways.
>>>> In such case we can just ignore halt and let program continue (but
>>>> increment some counter to show user how many of them are there).
>>>> If exception is different (an Error) then on queue overflow, i think
>>>> it should terminate the process with exception (but of course, special
>>>> care must be taken if process is UI process).
>>>> Of course making it too smart is pointless, because it is impossible
>>>> to predict whether it is good idea
>>>> to terminate process or letting it continue to run in case of exception.
>>>> But for that we can have settings and options, to tune that at user's
>>>> discretion, as well as default
>>>> settings on a per-exception class base.
>>>>> anyhow, just musing....  -ben
>>>> i know by myself how annoying it can be (up to unresponsive image)
>>>> and i think most of us is facing such situation time to time (heh..
>>>> just yesterday we had it with Camillo while hacking ocompletion
>>>> stuff).
>>>> i learned to be careful and avoid such situations.. but sometimes it
>>>> is hard and better tooling support will be helpful, no doubt.
>>> Another use case that just happened to me.  This is not 'halt' related
>>> but
>>> just a typo...  (which suddenly makes the whole system feel a bit
>>> fragile)
>>> Working on a small new feature in the drawing loop of Roassal, I would
>>> guess
>>> "all" that I did was leave out a full stop at the end a line.  So the
>>> image
>>> locked and crashed after about 20 seconds.  Unfortunately now the image
>>> is
>>> crashing every time I try to open it.  Some mechanism to throttle and
>>> temporarily ignore the error to allow me to rectify the problem would
>>> have
>>> been immensely useful.  In this case, perhaps something like blocking the
>>> main UI loop and presenting a modal window of a very basic self contained
>>> text editor on the offending method.
>>> At this moment, another immensely useful tool would be able to diff the
>>> source code between a running image and an offline image, and import the
>>> changes.
>>> Is there any other way I might recover recent changes?  Previously I have
>>> not had much luck mixing a new image with the changes file fromt he
>>> crashed
>>> image.
>>> regards -ben
> [Debug logs deleted]

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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