I think that I integrated some of the changes of camillo yesterday.


On Sep 16, 2012, at 9:50 PM, Camillo Bruni wrote:

>> I wrote some code to try to have something executable to work with, but I 
>> can't find anything.
>> (The examples use the extended version of HTTPProgress, 
>> http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=6674 )
>> I created 1Mb and 10Mb files somewhere public. Full progress is currently 
>> only available in Zn when doing stream, as in #downloadTo:
>> '/tmp/10Mb.bin' asFileReference ensureDeleted.
>> [ ZnClient new 
>>      systemPolicy;
>>      beOneShot;
>>      url: 'http://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/public-stfx-eu/10Mb.bin';
>>      downloadTo: '/tmp/' ] timeToRun.
>> [ UIManager default informUserDuring: [ :bar |
>>      bar label: 'Downloading...'.
>>      [ ZnClient new 
>>              signalProgress: true;
>>              systemPolicy;
>>              beOneShot;
>>              url: 
>> 'http://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/public-stfx-eu/10Mb.bin';
>>              downloadTo: '/tmp/' ]
>>                      on: HTTPProgress 
>>                      do: [ :progress | 
>>                              bar label: progress printString.
>>                              progress isEmpty ifFalse: [ bar current: 
>> progress percentage ]. 
>>                              self crLog: progress printString.
>>                              progress resume ] ] ] timeToRun.
>> As fas as I can tell, both run at the same speed (more or less).
>> Is is possible to show the code where you noticed the slowdown ?
> I assume that the overhead only occurs for small files...
> ZnClient new 
>       signalProgress: true;
>       systemPolicy;
>       beOneShot;
>       url: 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/estebanlm/Voyage/main?format=raw';
>       get.
> with progress 2.5secs without, 57ms.. :/ well might be that the server
> responds with an incomplete header or so...

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