Hi Fernando,

On Nov 8, 2012, at 2:32 PM, Fernando Olivero <fernando.oliv...@usi.ch>

> Ciao Roberto, which is the current size of the image? (the .image file).

The image is indeed fresh, just installed FileSystemGit.. It's about 30 MB..

> If you evaluate the following a couple of times (print it cmd-p), you will 
> cleanup most of the unreferenced objects in the image, it returns a number so 
> you can compare it to successive evaluations.
> Smalltalk garbageCollect.
> You can also follow the pointers to objects, to detect objects which you 
> suspect are just hanging around, and fail to be garbage collected, to clear 
> those references. Open an inspector an any object,and the menu has that 
> option. ( {Object. 1. #hello} inspect) .
> You can also, start with a fresh image.
> pd: if you search the mailing list, i remember Tudor writing about large 
> images and vm's.

Then, I'll look around.. Thanks..

> On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 2:16 PM, roberto.mine...@usi.ch 
> <roberto.mine...@usi.ch> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was executing a piece of code that collects the revisions of a Git repo in 
> Pharo but it seems Pharo requires more memory..
> How do I increase the available memory?
> Here is the log:
> SmalltalkImage>>signalLowSpace
> OutOfMemory>>defaultAction
> UndefinedObject>>handleSignal:
> OutOfMemory(Exception)>>pass
> PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: in Block: [:ex | ...
> BlockClosure>>cull:
> MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal: in Block: [self 
> exceptionHandlerBlock cull: exception]
> BlockClosure>>ensure:
> MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
> MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
> OutOfMemory(Exception)>>signal
> OutOfMemory class(Exception class)>>signal
> ByteArray class(Behavior)>>basicNew:
> ByteArray class(Behavior)>>new:
> ByteArray(SequenceableCollection)>>copyFrom:to:
> ReadStream(PositionableStream)>>contents
> GitPackedNonDelta(GitPackedObject)>>compressedData
> GitPackedNonDelta(GitPackedObject)>>computeCRC
> GitPackedNonDelta(GitPackedObject)>>loadFrom:
> GitPackedObject class>>fromPack:at:in:
> GitPackFile>>objectAtOffset:
> GitPackFile>>objectNamed:
> GitRepository>>packedObjectNamed:ifAbsent: in Block: [:pack | (pack 
> objectNamed: aHexHash)...
> GitRepository>>packsDo: in Block: [:pack | aBlock value: pack]
> OrderedCollection>>do:
> GitRepository>>packsDo:
> GitRepository>>packedObjectNamed:ifAbsent:
> GitRepository>>objectNamed:ifAbsent: in Block: [self packedObjectNamed: aHash 
> ifAbsent: aBlock]
> GitRepository>>looseObjectNamed:ifAbsent: in Block: [^ aBlock value]
> False>>ifTrue:ifFalse:
> Thanks,
> Roberto

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