For now, Athens uses the software renderer of Cairo to draw into a Cairo
Surface. We get it back to the Pharo, buy telling a Form to load the bits
of the Cairo surface.

Would be nice to have another renderer for Athens, besides Cairo, to use a
hardware accelerated renderer. OpenGL backend for Athens would be great.

NBOpenGL is already there. So it would a matter of having another
AthensCanvas, and AthensSurface that uses OpenGL to draw.

Yet, the current scheme is fast enough! So i don't know wether this is a


On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 12:11 PM, dimitris chloupis <>wrote:

> So after diving in common lisp and take a look at various alternative I
> decided that Pharo is the best place for me to start for my Ephestos
> project. The first thing that got my attention is Athens , it seems to be
> very close to my own goal for Ephestos. So my question is how may I help
> Athens involve by contributing code to it ?
> Are there specific features I can work on ? The first part of my Ephestos
> project I call it Morpheas and its basically a GUI API based on morphic
> specialised on customised guis, meaning guis that do not look native .
> Athens seems a good library to base Morpheas on, so I am actually
> interested in expanding it.
> In the future I would also like to port Athens to opengl , but if cairo is
> fast enough for me, I may avoid it and instead focus more on porting
> Morphic to Athens.
> So my post here is to clarify the way I can contribute to Athens . I want
> my project Ephestos to be a contribution to the existing Pharo image and
> offer more GUI widgets, maybe a gui designer and some more graphic and
> audio tools. I think that Athens can be the base for my project so
> naturally I want to contribute.

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