Yes, the concatenation method (it is, #,) works only with collections(*).
There is no automatic casting of objects to a string representation.
In the long run you'll love that.

And since String "is a" Collection, you can't send #, to other object,
and neither pass an argument that is not a collection. Hence the need
of the "conversion"(**) to a String.

(*) In some particular cases the #, method is implemented in non
collection classes for convenience.
(**) There is no conversion taking place, your object is returning
another one, instance of String, that is supposed to represent it as a
whole or some aspect of it. You might create the String every time the
message is received or if it is its name, you just return it.

ps: I don't know how this relates to the Morphic subject :)

Esteban A. Maringolo

2013/1/2 J. P. L. Martín <>:
> Done, I've just append asString on the collect: block.
> :D
> On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 11:18 AM, Esteban A. Maringolo <>
> wrote:
>> 2013/1/2 J. P. L. Martín <>:
>> > Another question, when I try this:
>> >
>> > Prestamo database collect: [:x | x id,' ',x idMaterial]
>> >
>> > I get Receiver of "," nil. How do I solve it?
>> You probably have one or more elements in the collection returned by
>> "Prestamo database" whose id's are nil.
>> Then you're sending #, to a nil element.
>> I would ensure all elements have an ID, or better than that I would
>> delegate the printing responsibility to the element itself.
>> It is:
>> Prestamo database collect: [:x | x printIdAndMaterial]
>> This way the testing of a nil id is done by the receiver.
>> Regards,
>> Esteban.

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