from the Gofer chapter of course

| go |
go := Gofer new.
go squeaksource: 'ht'.
(go allResolved select: [:each | 'Hash*' match: each packageName])
do: [:pack|
        self crLog: pack packageName. 
        go package: pack packageName; fetch]

| go repo |
repo := MCSmalltalkhubRepository
owner: 'Moose'
project: 'HashTable'
user: 'StephaneDucasse'
password: 'xxxxx'.

go := Gofer new.
go repository: repo.
(((FileSystem disk workingDirectory / 'package-cache')
allFiles select: [:each | 'Hash*.mcz' match: each basename]) groupedBy: [:each 
| (each base copyUpToLast: $-) ]) keys
        do: [:name | go package: name; push]

Here the script handle multiple packages automatically for example. 
This is not the case for HashTable but really useful in other cases.


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