Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 9:55 AM, Ben Coman <> wrote:

Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 2:56 PM, stephane ducasse

Stef, now that you are migrating everything to SmalltalkHub, are you:

- putting a big text in the old repositories saying "PROJECT XXX WAS

MOVED TO YYY". Because then we run in problems where people refer/commit
old repos

- make old project repo read only

I did it for all the projects that I administrate.

Excellent :)

I am wondering if perhaps someone accessing one of those repositories via
Monticello might miss that.  Perhaps a final package with filename
"package.movedToSmalltalkhub.**mcz" would be useful (or maybe just

Yes, I was thinking the same for "deprecating a package".  In fuel we have
lots of packages that with newer versions are deprecated. And when you
browse with Monticello you still see them around... Moving them to another
repo is not an option because it would mean to update all previous versions
in ConfgiurationOfFuel.  So I was also thinking about committing a last
version like: FuelXXXDeprecated-THIS_PACKAGE_IS_DEPRECATED.nnn.mzc.


To ensure it sorts in a proper order, by default (unless you have tested somethign else) I would keep as close to the standard package filename as possible and just replace the Author with 'Deprecated'.
eg: FuelXXX-Author.nnn.mcz might be FuelXXX-DeprecatedUseFuelYYY.nnn+1.mcz

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