To rule out side-effects, I suggest deactivating ALL NB tests and see if we 
still have such unpredictable behavior. Since last november we basically didn't
manage to get the system back into stable mode.

And there are currently three things (maybe unrelated) that worry me a lot:
- delay processes
- unloading of plugins at some point
- unstable "becomeForward:"

we should really come up with a battle plan... which brings me to the next 

when are you on holidays igor?

On 2013-02-27, at 13:51, Igor Stasenko <> wrote:

> yes, i seen that dump, Marcus.
> It is of course easy to blame become, but it can be worse:
> something corrupts heap, and the corruption stays dormant, until
> become operation, because
> it scans heap and then stumbling upon invalid pointer, which leads to crash.
> On 27 February 2013 13:47, Camillo Bruni <> wrote:
>> I will setup a second Pharo-2.0-Test running on the StackVM so we can 
>> compare them bit.
>> On 2013-02-27, at 13:40, Marcus Denker <> wrote:
>>> Hmm…
>>> Smalltalk stack dump:
>>> 0xbfb19878 M WideString(Object)>becomeForward: 0x795d44e4: a(n) WideString
>>> 0xbfb19894 M WideString>? 0x795d44e4: a(n) WideString
>>> 0xbfb198b4 M WriteStream>nextPut: 0x795c5f8c: a(n) WriteStream
>>> 0xbfb198dc M [] in ZnStringEntity>readLimitedFrom: 0x795c1500: a(n) 
>>> ZnStringEntity
>>> 0xbfb107d8 M String class(SequenceableCollection class)>new:streamContents: 
>>> 0x777cde88: a(n) String class
>>> 0xbfb10808 M ZnStringEntity>readLimitedFrom: 0x795c1500: a(n) ZnStringEntity
>>> 0xbfb10824 M ZnStringEntity>readFrom: 0x795c1500: a(n) ZnStringEntity
>>> 0xbfb10844 M ZnEntity class>readFrom:usingType:andLength: 0x777e8c30: a(n) 
>>> ZnEntity class
>>> 0xbfb10870 M ZnEntityReader>readFrom:usingType:andLength: 0x795bb9d0: a(n) 
>>> ZnEntityReader
>>> 0xbfb108a4 M ZnEntityReader>readEntityFromStream 0x795bb9d0: a(n) 
>>> ZnEntityReader
>>> 0xbfb108c0 M ZnEntityReader>readEntity 0x795bb9d0: a(n) ZnEntityReader
>>> 0xbfb108dc M ZnResponse(ZnMessage)>readEntityFrom: 0x795b3240: a(n) 
>>> ZnResponse
>>> 0xbfafd750 M ZnResponse>readEntityFrom: 0x795b3240: a(n) ZnResponse
>>> 0xbfafd76c M ZnResponse(ZnMessage)>readFrom: 0x795b3240: a(n) ZnResponse
>>> 0xbfafd78c M ZnResponse class(ZnMessage class)>readFrom: 0x777e9004: a(n) 
>>> ZnResponse class
>>> 0xbfafd7a8 M ZnClient>executeRequestResponse 0x79580ff0: a(n) ZnClient
>>> 0xbfafd7c0 M [] in ZnClient>getConnectionAndExecute 0x79580ff0: a(n) 
>>> ZnClient
>>> 0xbfafd7e0 M BlockClosure>ensure: 0x795b1fec: a(n) BlockClosure
>>> 0xbfafd7fc M ZnClient>getConnectionAndExecute 0x79580ff0: a(n) ZnClient
>>> 0xbfafd814 M ZnClient>executeWithRedirectsRemaining: 0x79580ff0: a(n) 
>>> ZnClient
>>> 0xbfafd830 M ZnClient>executeWithRedirectsRemaining: 0x79580ff0: a(n) 
>>> ZnClient
>>> 0xbfafd84c M [] in ZnClient>executeWithRetriesRemaining: 0x79580ff0: a(n) 
>>> ZnClient
>>> 0xbfafd868 M BlockClosure>on:do: 0x79583bd8: a(n) BlockClosure
>>> 0xbfafd888 M ZnClient>executeWithRetriesRemaining: 0x79580ff0: a(n) ZnClient
>>> 0xbfafd8a4 M [] in ZnClient>executeWithTimeout 0x79580ff0: a(n) ZnClient
>>> 0xbfafd8c0 M BlockClosure>on:do: 0x795839cc: a(n) BlockClosure
>>> 0xbfafd8e0 M [] in ZnClient>executeWithTimeout 0x79580ff0: a(n) ZnClient
>>> 0xbfb1a718 M [] in ZnClient>withTimeoutDo: 0x79580ff0: a(n) ZnClient
>>> 0xbfb1a73c M [] in ZnConnectionTimeout(DynamicVariable)>value:during: 
>>> 0x777949f0: a(n) ZnConnectionTimeout
>>> 0xbfb1a75c M BlockClosure>ensure: 0x7958393c: a(n) BlockClosure
>>> 0xbfb1a780 M ZnConnectionTimeout(DynamicVariable)>value:during: 0x777949f0: 
>>> a(n) ZnConnectionTimeout
>>> 0xbfb1a7a0 M ZnConnectionTimeout class(DynamicVariable class)>value:during: 
>>> 0x777ea304: a(n) ZnConnectionTimeout class
>>> 0xbfb1a7c0 M ZnClient>withTimeoutDo: 0x79580ff0: a(n) ZnClient
>>> 0xbfb1a7dc M ZnClient>executeWithTimeout 0x79580ff0: a(n) ZnClient
>>> 0xbfb1a7f8 M [] in ZnClient>execute 0x79580ff0: a(n) ZnClient
>>> 0xbfb1a814 M [] in ZnClient>withProgressDo: 0x79580ff0: a(n) ZnClient
>>> 0xbfb1a838 M [] in ZnSignalProgress(DynamicVariable)>value:during: 
>>> 0x7799034c: a(n) ZnSignalProgress
>>> 0xbfb1a858 M BlockClosure>ensure: 0x79583764: a(n) BlockClosure
>>> 0xbfb1a87c M ZnSignalProgress(DynamicVariable)>value:during: 0x7799034c: 
>>> a(n) ZnSignalProgress
>>> 0xbfb1a89c M ZnSignalProgress class(DynamicVariable class)>value:during: 
>>> 0x7799005c: a(n) ZnSignalProgress class
>>> 0xbfb1a8bc M ZnClient>withProgressDo: 0x79580ff0: a(n) ZnClient
>>> 0xbfb1a8e0 M ZnClient>execute 0x79580ff0: a(n) ZnClient
>>> 0xbfaad7a8 M ZnClient>get 0x79580ff0: a(n) ZnClient
>>> 0xbfaad7d0 M ZnClientTests>testRedirect 0x794a76bc: a(n) ZnClientTests
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko.

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