I am getting closer!

But it is not going to be so trivial because some things are in
CogFamilyCocoaIOSConfig and get used for StackIOSConfig, which is not
very clean.

Anyway, once things compile here, I'll ship you my full folder so that
it will be easier to integrate the results.

Phil, knowing a tad more about Cmake and the source generation process
that he would like to know in the first place...

2013/2/27 Igor Stasenko <siguc...@gmail.com>:
> On 27 February 2013 18:43, p...@highoctane.be <p...@highoctane.be> wrote:
>> Yeah but it is not.
>> StackIPhoneConfig new
>>     "addExternalPlugins: #( FT2Plugin );"
>>     "generateDebug;"
>>     generateSources;
>>     generate.
>> and I had to comment out the FT2Plugin for some other reason. Maybe
>> I'll be able to put it back later.
>> There is no PharoVMBuilder support for the iOS things at the moment.
> Yes. But it would be trivial to add.
> But making things compile & work will be non-trivial, and require
> people like Esteban who knows
> iOS quirks and pitfalls .. because i am not the right person :)
>> Phil
>> 2013/2/27 Igor Stasenko <siguc...@gmail.com>:
>>> 2013/2/27 p...@highoctane.be <p...@highoctane.be>:
>>>> CocoaIOSConfig>>commonCompilerFlags
>>>>         "Common compiler flags"
>>>>         ^#('-arch i386' '-mmacosx-version-min=10.5' '-DHAVE_UUID_GENERATE')
>>> it should be overridden in subclass, no?
>>> --
>>> Best regards,
>>> Igor Stasenko.
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko.

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