Hi ben 

I added you as contributor.

> Thanks Stef.  I've just signed up to Smalltalkhub.  How do I contribute to 
> the project?
> The following has been added to the attached mcz.
> * Pharo 1.4 does not have LayoutFrame>>identity.

We should use 2.0

> * Allow external control of spreadsheet using 
> SpreadsheetGridMorph>>cellStringAt:put: & cellStringAt: and added associated 
> test.
> * Fixed error with SpreadsheetCell>>printOn: missing 
> Integer>>printAsColumnRefOn: and added associated test.
> * To assist tracing/learning the code, added a few commented halt points. 
> Worked around 'editedCell' instance variable losing its value while in 
> debugger, which probably needs further review.

cool :)

> cheers -ben
> <Spreadsheet-BenComan.3.mcz>

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