I do not buy this argument you will have to show me.

when I see

self assert: contents = $A

I do not see the difference with 
        contents should be equals: $A

except that I do not understand what is be and that every object is extended 
with should and friends.

Then I do not want to chain results of tests.


>> pfffff can we stop such kind of mess.
>> I frankly do not see the value of 
> Think about the error messages here.
>> self should not be = $a
> Error message will be something like: Got 'adsfasdfasd' instead of $a
>> vs 
>> self assert: self = $a
> and here?
> Assertion failed
> AKA 0 contextual information. Now it gets even worse when doing things like
> #should:raise: and friends. You have to fully restart the test case to even
> when debugging it just because you don't have decent error messages.
> Now this is what Phexample brings, 10 clicks less per failed assertion.
> I want that in 3.0. Besides in most cases a tree rewrite will do the proper 
> transformation, so 0 effort for nice error messages.

this is my point I do not see why I get something more complex that what we 
already have. 

No need to reply I see that should construct a nice object whatever. Now to me 
it does not help 
me. I prefer to get a better Sunit.

>> I looked and most of the tests in Moose do not gain anything to rely on 
>> phExample.
>> And now such change break nautilus.
> they don't break nautilus if the test in nautilus were implemented as I said 
> before.

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