On 08 Mar 2013, at 14:50, Torsten Bergmann <asta...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Sven wrote:
>> The last couple of days I have been using the new command line tools and 
>> zero conf scripts for real and I must say that I am >truly impressed and 
>> happy. 
>> The save, printVersion, eval, st, config and test handlers are a joy to work 
>> with. The terminal colours add a nice polish.
> Any documentation on it, blog posts or pharocasts available?
> Thx
> Torsten

It is self-documenting ;-)

$ ./vm.sh Pharo.image --help

Usage: [<subcommand>] [--help] [--copyright] [--version] [--list]
        --help       print this help message
        --copyright  print the copyrights
        --version    print the version for the image and the vm
        --list       list a description of all active command line handlers
        <subcommand> a valid subcommand in --list
A DefaultCommandLineHandler handles default command line arguments and options.
The DefaultCommandLineHandler is activated before all other handlers. 
It first checks if another handler is available. If so it will activate the 
found handler.

$ ./vm.sh Pharo.image --list

Currently installed Command Line Handlers:
    st              Loads and executes .st source files
    Fuel            Loads fuel files
    config          Install and inspect Metacello Configurations from the 
command line
    save            Rename the image and changes file
    test            A command line test runner
    update          Load updates
    printVersion    Print image version
    eval            Directly evaluates passed in one line scripts

$ ./vm.sh Pharo.image save --help

Usage: save <imageBaseName> [--delete-old]
        <imageName>     a base name for the image
        --delete-old    remove the old image and changes file
Saves the image and changes file under a new name.

        # create a 'bar.image' and 'foo.changes'
        $PHAROVM Foo.image saveAs bar
        # create the same file as in the previous example but delete Foo.image 
and Foo.changes
        $PHAROVM Foo.image saveAs bar --delete-old

And so on...

Sven Van Caekenberghe
Smalltalk is the Red Pill

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