Camillo Bruni wrote:
Hi Ben,

On 2013-03-24, at 03:31, Ben Coman <> wrote:
Just curious about how the Contribution CI is set up. Is is based off the latest ConfigurationOf or just the latest mcz loaded in the folder?

We use Configurations.

Will you be running a #stable as well as #development jobs for contributions?  
Or will that decision be configured somehow by the contribution developers, who 
may want to choose one of four quadrants from...
1. Pharo 2.x
2. Pharo 3.x
A. Contribution #stable
B. Contribution #development

Yes, this is exactly what we do:

And if you want, you can add even another axis for the VM or platform.
The choice for the versions you want to test is completely up to you, by default
we take #stable and #development.

1A. Presumed this should _always_ be green.  Perhaps automatically copied to 
the ConfigurationBrowser repository. Gives Pharo developers early opportunity 
to see the impact of bug fix leading up to a minor release.
1B. Mostly green jobs and usually only temporarily red.  It would be 
interesting if the CI/Smalltalkhub integration being developed could help 
moving a green 1B job to 1A with a minimum of steps - perhaps a single click.
2A. Red contribution jobs expected and maybe last a long time, but useful for 
giving contribution developers early opportunity to track which infrastructure 
changes caused the red job. 2B. For the fastest feedback cycle for those 
contribution developers working on the bleeding edge in parallel with Pharo 

Of course that increases the CI resource requirements and additional effort to 
set up, but just something to consider...

we have a very solid and powerful setup at hand offered by INRIA which will
allow for up to 20 slaves ;) I think we have still some reserves at hand.

If you want I can give you an account so you can have a look at the details of
the setup?

Thanks, I would like that - but I'll hold off until I have time to look at it properly - after I finish writing up my dissertation - when I want to move my project to Pharo 2.0, create a Configuration and add it as a CI job. I'll ask for an account then.

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