
I implement positioning text for new TxTextMorph. You can now see blinking
cursor, move it right, left, up and down, position it by mouse click.
I make new version 0.4 which restore jenkins builds
https://ci.inria.fr/rmod/job/TxText/, You can try TxTextMorph class side
example methods.


Cursor position at "visual text" presented by TxTextLayoutPosition.
TxTextLayoutPosition has state:

   - textLayout
   - span - TxLayoutSpan (introduced by Igor suggestion)
   - spanPosition - index inside TxLayoutSpan
   - desiredOffset - desired x offset from start of "visual line". It can
   differ from actual (x,y) position
   - xyValue - actual (x,y) position inside "visual text" box.

TxTextLayoutPosition implements moveRight. moveLeft, moveUp and moveDown
methods. Desired offset allow moving up and down with remember of first
offset. Example:
Cursor moves from up to bottom. Position of cursor at each line will be
after red char.
It is common behaviour of text editors. But our current text morph not
works such way. And current text morph implements move up and move down in
terms of index from start line. So it is visually incorrect up or down
movement for no mono fonts. Try this to check it:
WWWWWW - 6 W-characters, move from 6-th W-char down and try same at pharo.

TxLayoutSpan present part of text span which placed at some line and has
offset, extent and font. It was created by layout builder to fit text
layout restrictions. When text span wrapped by max line width restriction
It "splitted" for two or more LayoutSpan's. TxLayoutSpan has span interval

Igor was suggest removing explicit font attribute from text model and
replace it with small font parts like family name, bold, underlined and
others. He said it's should be responsibillity of "view system" to select
appropriate font by this attributes. I don't know is it good idea. But I
have some user cases where it is needed.
So TxLayoutSpan allows such design decision. That's why it has font
instance. TxLayoutSpan is created by layout builder which can select
appropriate font for underlying spans. Now it just extracts font from span
attributes like before.

There is TxCursorMorph which presents blinking cursor (basic morph stepping
logic). So visual text cursor is just submorph of TextMorph.
I not yet implement any communication level between TxTextLayout,
TxTextLayoutPosition and morphs. It is for future.
Now morphs implemented to show what already works.

I needs help with namings. All ideas are welcome.

For example we have too much different position names:
- TxPosition with vars linePosition, spanPosition - indexes
- TxTextLayoutPosition with vars spanPosition (index of char),
desiredOffset (x coordinate of offset inside line), xyValue
(x@ycoordinates inside text box)
- TxCharactersSpan methods: #isLastPosition: , #lastInsertPosition - indexes
- TxLayoutSpan methods: #charPositionAtOffset: (char index at offset).
#computeXYPositionAt:, #containsXPosition:, #endPosition (TxPosition).
I want easily understand what kind of position method means. In
TxLayoutSpan I try to distinct it by "charPosition" and "xyPosition". I
dont sure it is nice.

And I don't like name of TxLayoutSpan. (too many spans).

Small tasks which I have in mind:
- more cursor movement actions
- make settings for shortcuts at TxTextMorph
- make cursor actions dynamically connected to shortcut settings. Each
cursor action (method) should automatically creates shortcut setting for it.

There is strange problem with TxTextMorph when it is transparent. Try
change  #drawOn: method to see it (remove rectangle filling).

Next I will implement events logic to update TxLayoutPosition when layout
changed. And text selection stuff.

Best regards,

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