On Mar 29, 2013, at 8:02 PM, Janko Mivšek <janko.miv...@eranova.si> wrote:

> Dear Smalltalkers,
> Serge and me just submitted the application for the GSoC (see its copy
> here: http://gsoc2013.esug.org/application), now let we wait finger
> crossed to the Monday 8.April when accepted organizations will be announced.

and thanks for your effort.
> But we have a good chance thanks to all of you spend a time to prepare
> the record number of ideas: 44, which is way over last year 25!

I think that this exercise is really good because there are really nice projects
and we can see how we could sponsor some important projects.
It is always good to have a set of good projects. 

> Note also that you can still propose an project idea, there is two more
> weeks or so for that, but we need a solid list of ideas at that time for
> Google guys to see what we are really capable :)
> While idea authors please recheck that your idea is properly put on
> http://gsoc2013.esug.org/ideas. For any mistake I apologize in advance!
> Thanks therefore again to all, now a week and so a rest!

Thanks you for your time.

> Best regards
> Serge and Janko
> your GSoC admin team
> -- 
> Janko Mivšek
> Smalltalk GSoC Admin Team
> http://gsoc2013.esug.org

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