On Apr 27, 2013, at 8:00 PM, Nicolas Cellier 
<nicolas.cellier.aka.n...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Right, if you embed source along with CompiledMethod (to handle the case when 
> the CompiledMethod has been replaced but one of its block of code is still 
> used), then you don't need Decompiler in the first place.
> Nonetheless, I would remove the .sources but not the .changes. The .changes 
> is not only a source code repository (that feature can go away if you want), 
> it's before all a change log, an insurance to retrieve some change when 
> everything else failed (image crashed or worse corrupted image won't 
> restart). You can make the insurance optional if you want, but please 
> continue to provide an equivalent service. A change file is the most simple 
> thing that could possibly work IMO. But this is another thread.

I agree, we have been discussing (and I do not like much the idea to have the 
changes inside the image as objects because now
we have a  nice literal object parser/writer and making sure that we can never 
lose source code is cool). 
In any case we are working on a new change format recording more high-level 
entity (such refactoring). We looked again
at the model that veronica did, and Ezequiel and we looked again at 
DeltaStreams. We should digest all that and come up with a new alternate 
changes model file. I was about to contact goran to see if he wants to 
participate/ read a paper but we should write the paper first :)

> Concerning the temp mapping, I agree, we should not compete with Eliot, he's 
> very tough at tedious tasks, our only weapon is lazyness, lazyness often 
> leads to efficiency ;) I'm curious to check how you handled this complex part 
> with AST when I'll have more time to dig.
> 2013/4/27 Marcus Denker <marcus.den...@inria.fr>
> On Apr 27, 2013, at 6:42 PM, Nicolas Cellier 
> <nicolas.cellier.aka.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thanks Marcus.
> > I'm among the skepticals concerning the AST, but I'd like to be proven 
> > wrong, because AST level would certainly simplify things a lot.
> > My main reserve is that interruption can occur at BC level, so for 
> > debugging purpose, what are your plans?
> > Will you move the PC at some AST node boundary (if it is possible given 
> > side effects of some BC)?
> >
> For the Debugger, everything stays as it is (until Pharo 4 or so)… if you 
> look at it, the current Debugger never decompiles if there is source 
> available.
> It *compiles* to get
>         -> the mapping BC -> text
>         -> the information how temporary variables in the byte code are 
> actually related to temps in the source.
>             (this is very complex, temps can be e.g. stored on the heap if 
> they are written to in a closure, and when they are just
>              read they have a different offset in each closure they are in. 
> Conversely, some temps  in the byte code are used
>             to store the array that hold the variables that are on the heap…)
> The old compiler recorded mappings while compiling that where encoded… quite 
> complex, at least for my tiny brain.
> So the new just keeps the AST annotated with all the needed infos, this is 
> much easier to debug (and we do have the
> memory these days, and as we cache the AST, it's even fast).
> So the debugger needs the compiler. The decompiler now exists just to make 
> text so that we can call the compiler
> in the case there is no .sources. The debugger *always* compiles to get the 
> mappings, as soon as there is source code
> the decompiler will never be used. (and even if the decompiler is used, the 
> compiler is called right after on it's results so
> one can record the mappings).
> So if you make sure there is always source-code (or a representation with the 
> right amount of meta data), you don't need the decompiler.
> So at the start it will be the  source code. And yes, this takes memory. But  
> we are in 2013 and if we have one thing than it's memory.
> (the $25 Raspi comes with 256MB, the $35 with 512MB…).
> We could have shipped 2.0 with 8MB of useless Monticello meta data and nobody 
> would have even realized it. (like we
> have now megabytes of fonts in the image…). Yet the source is special… I 
> really wonder why.
> (And yes, there should be solutions to not need unused data in main memory 
> and solutions to share across multiple images
> data that is the same… but for all kinds of stuff, not just source code).
>         Marcus

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