On 2 May 2013 16:37, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
> Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
>> On 02 May 2013, at 06:03, Igor Stasenko <siguc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi, all
>>> do not think that i am drunk or vent crazy, asking such silly
>>> question, which at best should be asked only by beginner :)
>>> I know the answer:
>>> Smalltalk at: #SomeName
>>> or
>>> Smalltalk globals at: #SomeName
>>> what stroke me, just now, that both answers is wrong!
>>> It should be:
>>> #SomeName asGlobal
>>> (or suggest more appropriate/precise method name for a symbol)
>> ConfigurationOfXYZ globalValue project bleedingEdge load.
>> ConfigurationOfXYZ globalValueIfPresent: [ :configuration | configuration
>> project bleedingEdge load ]
>> An alternative could be globalBinding, but that is more technical.
>> #asGlobal sounds like a conversion, on the other hand it is an accepted
>> idiom.
> #asGlobal feels confusing to me.  It doesn't sound like a lookup.   Some
> other alternatives:
> #SomeName fromGlobal
> #SomeName from: someOtherEnvironment
> #SomeName fromEnvironment     "the current one"
> #SomeName fromEnvironment: someOtherEnvironment
> #SomeName fromEnv: someOtherEnvironment
> #SomeName fromEnv     "the current one"
> but why bother at all.  What is the advantage over this:
> Smalltalk at: #xx put: 1.
> xx inspect.
it is not the case, when you know the name beforehand.

because then why would anyone write

'Smalltalk at: #XXX'

while he can just write


it is for cases like following:

name := self readNameFromSomeExternalSource.
(Smalltalk at: name ifPresent: [:cls | cls doSomething)

> cheers -ben
>>> optionally, we could also have one, with handling absent case:
>>> #SomeName asGlobalIfAbsent: []
>>> same , but only if present:
>>> #SomeName asGlobalIfPresent: [:global | ]
>>> Currently, there is 941 references to 'Smalltalk' global in my pharo
>>> image.
>>> If we introduce this convenience method, it will shrink this number
>>> considerably,
>>> not saying that code will be more elegant and concise compare:
>>> (Smalltalk globals at: #Foo) doSomething
>>> and
>>> #Foo asGlobal doSomething
>>> P.S. What really strikes me is why we don't have such method from very
>>> beginning,
>>> and instead refer to 'Smalltalk' all over the places.
>>> Some things are so deeply indoctrinated in our minds, that we don't
>>> even think that it can be different.
>>> --
>>> Best regards,
>>> Igor Stasenko.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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