On May 6, 2013, at 7:00 AM, seas...@rmod.lille.inria.fr wrote:

> Hi! We're sending this automatic email twice a month, to give the community 
> an opportunity to easily know what's happening and to coordinate efforts.  
> Just answer informally, and feel free to spawn discussions thereafter!
> ### Here's what I've been up to since the last WhatsUp:

- massively cleaned Pharo by example git repository and its clones.
- produced a first version of the spanish book (yes not just a collection of 
draft chapters)
- pushing Squeaksource/Pharo10 to smalltalkhub
- studying logging frameworks
- reviewing Zinc chapter on gutenberg
- produced a video of rolling dice in Pharo 
- produced a chapter on dice rolling

> ### What's next, until 2013-05-19 (*):

- going back to hacking


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