
The fonts-related code is a bit too complex for my mind.

Semi bold is indeed not a FreeTypeFontFamily, but a FreeTypeFontFamilyMember.

After loading the font, you can inspect it via:
(LogicalFontManager current allFamilies 
        detect: [:each | each familyName = 'Source Code Pro' ])
                members detect: [ :each | each styleName = 'Semibold' ].

You will see that it has a couple of integer values for: stretch, weight and 
slant. The only way I could set a LogicalFont from outside was via these values 

StandardFonts codeFont: (LogicalFont
                        familyName: 'Source Code Pro'
                        pointSize: 10
                        stretchValue: 5 
                        weightValue: 600 
                        slantValue: 0).

I guess we need to review this part of Pharo.


On May 11, 2013, at 5:39 PM, stephane ducasse <stephane.duca...@free.fr> wrote:

> Hi doru
> How do you use SourceCodeProSemibold for example 
> StandardFonts codeFont: (LogicalFont
>                          familyName: 'Source Code Pro'
>                          pointSize: 10).
> Because there is no family name for semi bold
> Stef
> On May 11, 2013, at 12:21 AM, Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> To ease the transition to Athens, we need to get free type fonts in the 
>> image. I researched a bit, and found a couple of font families that are 
>> nicely free and open-source: DejaVu, Source Code Pro, Source Sans Pro, and 
>> LinLibertine.
>> I put together a little tool that imports a TTF file and installs it in a 
>> dedicated class. You can find a library of already imported fonts on 
>> SmalltalkHub:
>> http://www.smalltalkhub.com/#!/~girba/FreeFonts/
>> More details about this library can be found at:
>> http://www.tudorgirba.com/blog/free-font-collection-for-pharo
>> For example, you can use the SourceCodeProRegular font as a code font like:
>> Gofer new
>>   smalltalkhubUser: 'girba' project: 'FreeFonts';
>>   package: 'SourceCodeProRegular';
>>   load.
>> (Smalltalk at: #SourceCodeProRegular) new install.
>> FreeTypeSystemSettings loadFt2Library: true.
>> StandardFonts codeFont: (LogicalFont familyName: 'Source Code Pro' 
>> pointSize: 10).
>> The Moose image already comes with a convenience method to set a complete 
>> free type font set:
>> MooseImageSetupCommandLineHandler new installFonts.
>> Cheers,
>> Doru
>> --
>> www.tudorgirba.com
>> "Be rather willing to give than demanding to get."
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