You could also try to use Glamour for that:

Here is an example that renders something along the wished lines. You can run 
it in a Moose image:

composer := GLMCompositePresentation new.
composer tabulator with: [ :t |
        t row: #visualization; row: #list; row: #details.
        t transmit to: #visualization; andShow: [ :a |
                a roassal 
                        title: 'Visualization';
                        painting: [ :view :collection | 
                        view nodes: collection.
                        view edgesFrom: [ :x | x // 5 ].
                        view radialNarrowTreeLayout ] ].
        t transmit from: #visualization; to: #list; andShow: [ :a |
                a list 
                        title: 'List';
                        display: [ :number | 1 to: number ]
        t transmit from: #list; to: #details; andShow: [ :a | 
                a text
                        title: 'Details';
                        display: [ :number | number asString ] ] ].
composer openOn: (1 to: 420)


On May 30, 2013, at 11:40 AM, MartinW <> wrote:

> Hi,
> how can i combine a Roassal visualization and a Spec UI?
> Is there already some Roassal-Spec?
> See attached screenshot for what i am trying to get. 
> M.
> <> 
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at


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