Benjamin Van Ryseghem-2 wrote
> You have two solutions:
>       - write a spec model for roassal
>       - if presume that Roassal ends up as a Morph or something close. In spec
> you can embed a morph for free
>> how can i combine a Roassal visualization and a Spec UI? 

The snippet below generates the desired UI in Glamour (See also Screenshot).
If you have time to take a look at it, what of the two solutions you
suggested would be the preferable to get there using Spec? And - where would
i learn how to do it?

This does the desired UI in Glamour:

|collection composer| 
collection := OrderedCollection new. 
collection add: #A; add: #B; add: #C; add: #D. 

composer := GLMCompositePresentation new. 
composer tabulator with: [ :t | 
        t row: #visualization; row: #details. 
        t transmit to: #visualization; andShow: [ :a | 
                a stackedArrangement. 
                a roassal 
                        title: 'Visualization'; 
                        painting: [ :view :viewCollection | 
                                view shape rectangle size: 30. 
                                view nodes: viewCollection. 
                                view shape arrowedLine. 
                                        edges: ((OrderedCollection new) add:
(#A->#B); add: (#A->#C); add: (#C->#D); yourself) 
                                        from: #key 
                                        to: #value. 
                                        view treeLayout ]. 
                a list 
                        title: 'List'.]. 
        t transmit from: #visualization; to: #details; andShow: [ :a | 
                a text 
                        title: 'Details'; 
                        display: [ :number | number asString ]] ]. 
composer openOn: collection


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