As was suggested above I tried to load Laser Game on Pharo 2.0 and it
didn't work.
Can this problem be solved?

2013/8/16 Stéphane Ducasse <>

> On Aug 16, 2013, at 11:11 AM, Маркіян Різун <> wrote:
> Hi, everyone!
> I have been working on a tutorial 'how to make a game using smalltalk' and
> developed this game ( Laser Game ) on Squeak, as it is an example of
> development on Squeak. I'm learning, so it's a great experience for me.
> Laser Game is my first game and it's not complicated, but for me it took
> long time to make.
> Links:
> 1. - website of tutorial
> 2.!/~MarkRizun/LaserGame/source - Laser Game
> Comments are welcome:)
> I thought that you were doing it on Pharo.
> It would be good to have it on pharo and to know what are the changes at
> the morphic level.
> Mark

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