
Since this is my first post, I'd first like to say Pharo rocks!
After quite a bit of search for a server-side programming environment
that I can live with, I landed on Pharo/Zinc+family and went
"this is it!" for my project which is like a wiki for music 

I'm trying to setup a pharo+zinc server with RFB installed on a VPS
so I can access it through VNC ("Chicken of the VNC" on MacOS 10.8.5).
I'm only get a static image of the pharo environment when I connect 
and I don't get any interactivity at all. One other poster [1] who 
mentioned this also posted that the problem was solved with a 
later version of squeak, which I didn't have any luck with since I don't
have X configured on my server.

Much appreciate any tips.

I got pharo from get.pharo.org and cloned the image using "save".
I run the following script on the cloned image with 
the "-headless" flag (I tried with and without the flag.)

"----begin code---"
Gofer it
 squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
 package: 'ConfigurationOfRFB';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfRFB) load.

(RFBServer current)
  allowEmptyPasswords: false;
  allowRemoteConnections: false;
  allowInteractiveConnections: true;
  allowZRLE: true;
  setFullPassword: 'my password';
  start: 0.

[1 hour asDelay wait] repeat.
"----end code----"

One other point - if I save an image after loading the RFB package 
(using "Smalltalk snapshot: true andQuit: true.") and then 
launch with a script that only starts the server, I get a static black screen
instead and not even the static image. So I don't understand why
there should be a behaviour difference between the two as well.

Regards to all,

[1] http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/squeak/conversations/topics/141662

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