On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 12:10 PM, Mark Bestley <news{@bestley.co.uk> wrote:
> This is due to Gatekeeper I think. I managed to open it by choosing Open
> in the right click menu in Finder. see
> <http://support.apple.com/kb/ht5290> I think you need to sign the app

thank you for the reference. I will have a look. I wanted to put the
application on the Mac App Store, but it looks I would have to pay
Apple and I don't want to. Hope your solution doesn't require that.

> The Launcher looks for and save images in ~/Library/Preferences/Pharo
> This is wrong it should be ~/Library/Application/Support/Pharo for
> general use, there is a case for using ~/Library/Containers to fit in
> with Apple's sandboxing.

I wanted to do that already. Thanks for the directory names. Do you
have an url where Apple discusses such directories?

> Or better allow us to chnage the directory

That's on my todo. As always, I need help. This is the kind of change
people can do easily (the preference mechanism is already in place).
So, if you want to hack on the launcher, this would be a good start.

> The icons are odd, trying to get a new Pharo 3 image it says hit refresh
> icon which took me some time to find. Although I am bad at all icons so
> might just be me.

It's not just you. I see 2 solutions:

- have a menu item to refresh when right clicking on the "hit refresh
button" message.
- automatically download the content when expanding the tree.

Damien Cassou

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill

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