Now I get it :)

This is not supported in 2.0 in the sense that the Spec version shipped with 
Pharo 2.0 has evolved :)

You can try it in Pharo 3.0 :)


On 11 Nov 2013, at 12:08, prova email <> wrote:

> I'm doing a TreeModel. As you know, widgetDo is not a message of TreeModel, 
> that's why i was asking you if there something wrong. As i asked you in a old 
> post, column: is not a message of TreeModel, so, where do i have to create 
> that message? The following code means to me that i have to create column: 
> into MorphTreeAdapter, a class that i haven't got into my Pharo 2.0.
> MorphTreeAdapter>>#columns:
>               columns: columns 
>                        self widgetDo: [ :w | 
>                               w columns: columns. 
>                               w resizerChanged. 
>                               w updateList ]
> Paolo
> From:
> Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 12:03:13 +0100
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Spec - Grid/Table Layout
> I am sure that Adapters understands widgetDo:
> To which objects do you send this message ?
> Ben
> On 11 Nov 2013, at 11:08, prova email <> wrote:
> Hi Ben, 
> are you sure that the message "widgetDo:" is  the right one? It's not a 
> message that my object looks to understand. 
> Thanks in advance.
> Paolo
> From:
> Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2013 14:34:18 +0100
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Spec - Grid/Table Layout
> It is definitely defined in TreeModel :)
> Ben
> On 08 Nov 2013, at 14:29, prova email <> wrote:
> Very very very good Ben, thanks a lot. Last question: you use the "columns:" 
> message, but it's not defined in TreeModel. You defined it here
> MorphTreeAdapter>>#columns:
>               columns: columns 
>                        self widgetDo: [ :w | 
>                               w columns: columns. 
>                               w resizerChanged. 
>                               w updateList ]
> in the brand new Class MorphTreeAdapter. What's the difference between define 
> columns: here instead of in the TreeModel class?
> Great job and thank you!
> Paolo
> From:
> Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2013 14:15:46 +0100
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Spec - Grid/Table Layout
> tree := TreeModel new.
> tree openWithSpec.
> tree columns: (Array 
>       with: (MorphTreeColumn new rowMorphGetSelector: [:node | node item 
> first asString asMorph ]; headerButtonLabel: 'Name' font: nil; yourself)
>       with: (MorphTreeColumn new rowMorphGetSelector: [:node | node item 
> second asString asMorph ]; headerButtonLabel: 'Last Name' font: nil; yourself)
>       with: (MorphTreeColumn new rowMorphGetSelector: [:node | node item 
> third asString asMorph ]; headerButtonLabel: 'Age' font: nil; yourself)
>       with: (MorphTreeColumn new rowMorphGetSelector: [:node | node item 
> fourth asString asMorph ]; headerButtonLabel:  'Gender' font: nil; yourself)
>       with: (MorphTreeColumn new rowMorphGetSelector: [:node | (ButtonModel 
> new label: 'Yes we can') buildWithSpec hResizing: #spaceFill]; 
> headerButtonLabel:  'Morph' font: nil; yourself)).
> tree roots: {
>       {'Benjamin'.'Van Ryseghem'.'26'.'M'}.
>       {'Pamela'.'Anderson'.'Far too much'.'F'}
> } 
> Ben
> On 08 Nov 2013, at 14:05, prova email <> wrote:
> Yes Ben, too much threads! That's why i'm a little bit confused! That's what 
> i understood: i've got two roads-> use TreeModel as you did with Pamela 
> Anderson or use the simple and nested SpecLayout (SpecLayout composed) as 
> Clement did.
> If in your TreeModel i can put a RadioButtonModel or a ButtonModel or so 
> on... we got the deal!
> Paolo
> From:
> Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2013 13:59:51 +0100
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Spec - Grid/Table Layout
> I guess too much threads :)
> I answer this in another thread I think :P
> the block provided to displayBlock:/rowMorphGetSelector: can return anything 
> understanding asMorph.
> So you can return any custom morph there :)
> I think the following work
> tree columns: (Array 
>       with: (TreeColumnModel new displayBlock: [:node | node content first 
> asString ]; headerLabel: 'Name'; yourself)
>       with: (TreeColumnModel new displayBlock: [:node | node content second 
> asString ]; headerLabel: 'Last Name'; yourself)
>       with: (TreeColumnModel new displayBlock: [:node | node content third 
> asString ]; headerLabel: 'Age'; yourself)
>       with: (TreeColumnModel new displayBlock: [:node | node content fourth 
> asString ]; headerLabel: 'Gender'; yourself)
>       with: (TreeColumnModel new displayBlock: [:node | Morph new ]; 
> headerLabel: ‘Morph'; yourself))
> or
> tree columns: (Array 
>       with: (MorphTreeColumn new rowMorphGetSelector: [:node | node item 
> first asString asMorph ]; headerButtonLabel: 'Name' font: nil; yourself)
>       with: (MorphTreeColumn new rowMorphGetSelector: [:node | node item 
> second asString asMorph ]; headerButtonLabel: 'Last Name' font: nil; yourself)
>       with: (MorphTreeColumn new rowMorphGetSelector: [:node | node item 
> third asString asMorph ]; headerButtonLabel: 'Age' font: nil; yourself)
>       with: (MorphTreeColumn new rowMorphGetSelector: [:node | node item 
> fourth asString asMorph ]; headerButtonLabel:  'Gender' font: nil; yourself)
>       with: (MorphTreeColumn new rowMorphGetSelector: [:node | Morph new ]; 
> headerButtonLabel:  'Morph' font: nil; yourself)).
> And you get something like
> <Screen Shot 2013-11-08 at 13.58.51.png>
> Ben
> On 08 Nov 2013, at 13:45, prova email <> wrote:
> Yes Clement, i've got your .st file. I saw it in Nested Layout thread. I file 
> in it in Pharo and i see that is not as good as a fashion window is. Maybe 
> Morphic is the right solution but, in that way, we are leaving the idea of 
> Bahman, and the 2nd Spec Tuto is in danger!
> However, you asked to Ben the same question that i did: can i put some 
> widgets in these cells or only String? 
> Thanks again!
> Paolo
> From:
> Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2013 12:51:06 +0100
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Spec - Grid/Table Layout
> Ben answered in another thread:
> About table, I have an example which will be running soon in Pharo (the 
> changes are waiting to be integrated)
> tree := TreeModel new.
> tree openWithSpec.
> tree columns: (Array 
>       with: (TreeColumnModel new displayBlock: [:node | node content first 
> asString ]; headerLabel: 'Name'; yourself)
>       with: (TreeColumnModel new displayBlock: [:node | node content second 
> asString ]; headerLabel: 'Last Name'; yourself)
>       with: (TreeColumnModel new displayBlock: [:node | node content third 
> asString ]; headerLabel: 'Age'; yourself)
>       with: (TreeColumnModel new displayBlock: [:node | node content fourth 
> asString ]; headerLabel: 'Gender'; yourself)).
> tree roots: {
>       {'Benjamin'.'Van Ryseghem'.'26'.'M'}.
>       {'Pamela'.'Anderson'.'Far too much'.'F'}
> }
> Right now, you can get the same by
>       - adding MorphTreeAdapter>>#columns:
>               columns: columns 
>                        self widgetDo: [ :w | 
>                               w columns: columns. 
>                               w resizerChanged. 
>                               w updateList ]
> And then evaluating:
> tree := TreeModel new.
> tree openWithSpec.
> tree columns: (Array 
>       with: (MorphTreeColumn new rowMorphGetSelector: [:node | node item 
> first asString asMorph ]; headerButtonLabel: 'Name' font: nil; yourself)
>       with: (MorphTreeColumn new rowMorphGetSelector: [:node | node item 
> second asString asMorph ]; headerButtonLabel: 'Last Name' font: nil; yourself)
>       with: (MorphTreeColumn new rowMorphGetSelector: [:node | node item 
> third asString asMorph ]; headerButtonLabel: 'Age' font: nil; yourself)
>       with: (MorphTreeColumn new rowMorphGetSelector: [:node | node item 
> fourth asString asMorph ]; headerButtonLabel:  'Gender' font: nil; yourself)).
> tree roots: {
>       {'Benjamin'.'Van Ryseghem'.'26'.'M'}.
>       {'Pamela'.'Anderson'.'Far too much'.'F'}
> }
> Ben
> Ben, in each cell, can we put something else than a String ? If so, can you 
> add an example in the code above ? Thanks.
> I guess doing Ben's solution is the best. I did it with nested layout but it 
> is definitely not as good (see file in attachment, add it in your image then 
> evaluate SpecTable new).
> 2013/11/8 prova email <>
> Hi Clement;
> I did the Spec tuto made by Bahman (great tuto). As him, i'd like to put some 
> widgets into it. Is it possible? Maybe with the method "items:"? I don't know 
> if the solution that Ben give to us (use Morphic instead of Spec) is 
> suitable, that's because his UI looks like a list that accept only string. 
> Maybe i'm wrong, can you give us more explanations? Or is it something new 
> for you too?
> Thanks for your help!
> Paolo
> From:
> Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2013 10:04:51 +0100
> To:;
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Spec - Grid/Table Layout
> Hello,
> Actually I had the same problem, I think the best widget that exists for that 
> right now is MultiColumnListModel.
> For example, in the senders window (in attachment), the top panel is a 
> MultiColumnListModel. You can have as many lines and as many columns as you 
> want. 
> We do not have yet a tableLayout, but we miss it. If you plan to implement 
> it, we will be interested in integrating it into Pharo.
> Ben can advise you on how to implement that.
> 2013/11/7 Bahman Movaqar <>
> Hi all,
> Is there a grid/table layout available in Spec?  Something like an HTML
> table or Swing's GridLayout?  If not, how may I achieve such a
> functionality?
> I'd appreciate any hints/pointers.
> --
> Bahman Movaqar  (
> ERP Evaluation, Implementation & Deployment Consultant
> PGP Key ID: 0x6AB5BD68 (

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